Our General Banking Terms and Conditions, legal documents and product regulations are available here for your information. You can view them online or, if you prefer, you can download them instead. Of course, they can also be obtained from your KBC Bank branch.
Belgian Bankers' Association Code of Conduct
The Belgian Bankers' Association Code of Conduct has been drawn up by the Belgian Bankers' and Stockbroking Firms' Association, the organisation representing banks and savings banks in Belgium. This publication contains the rules that banks and savings banks have to follow in their relationship with private customers.
Full text (in Dutch or French) provided on the Febelfin website.
General Banking Terms and Conditions
General Banking conditions until January 1, 2024
View the General Banking Conditions
General Banking conditions as of Jan. 1, 2024
View the General Banking Conditions
Main changes
View the main changes
KBC Bank Embargo Policy
KBC Bank must comply with financial and trade embargoes issued by the United Nations (made enforceable in Belgium), the European Union and by the Belgian legislator, but also embargoes issued by the USA (OFAC).
Read here the KBC Bank Embargo Policy.
Information on the Conflicts of Interest Policy
The European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) obliges investment undertakings to draw up a written policy for managing their conflicts of interest when providing investment services.
Anti-Money Laundering
Banks play an important role in the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and corruption. Anti-money laundering legislation requires KBC to carry out checks to prevent the bank from (unwittingly) supporting illegal activities.
To enable us to perform these checks, we ask customers to provide us with certain personal details. Given that they may change over time, we also regularly ask that these details be checked and either confirmed or updated where necessary. This is very important, because if we’re unable to verify these details in time, we have to block the relevant customer’s banking and insurance products of the customer concerned.
KBC will only use this information internally and in the context of the legal purpose for which it is intended, namely verification, investigations and giving advice in relation to money laundering and fraud prevention.
All prominent public functions at national level, at the level of International Organisations and at the level of the European Union Institutions and Bodies can be found in the following document published by the European Union: Read the publication
More information on the fight against money laundering can also be found on the Febelfin website.
Payment cards
- KBC Debit Card Regulations
- KBC Prepaid Card Regulations
- KBC Platinum Credit Card Regulations and General Conditions Insurances
- KBC Gold Credit Card Regulations and General Conditions Insurances
- KBC Silver Credit Card Regulations and General Conditions Insurances
- General Conditions Financial Protection Insurance
- Annex 1 - Exhaustive list of items covered by the extended guarantee
- Regulations KBC Credit Card
- Credit card insurance – travel package
- Credit Card Insurance - Shopping package
- Travel package information document
- Shopping package information document
- Regulations governing KBC Mobile
- Description KBC Mobile services
- Bancontact/Mister Cash Mobile App Regulations
- Regulations governing KBC Touch
- Description KBC Touch services
- KBC Phone / KBC Live Regulations
- KBC Phone / KBC Live Regulations (new regulation as of 14-09)
- Regulations governing KBC Invest
- Google Pay regulations
- Regulations digital card services
- Apple Pay regulations
Non-life covers
General conditions first house (main residence)
General conditions second home
General conditions family policy
Life and Health Insurance
- Investment advisory approach including transparency on sustainability risks
- Key Information Document (KID) - Financial Fact Sheet (FIF)
- Key information document KBC-Life Save Plan
- Key information document KBC Life Junior Plan
- Key information document KBC Care Plan
- Financial fact sheet for life insurance - KBC Classic Loan Balance Insurance
- Financial fact sheet for life insurance - Temporary Death Insurance
- Financial fact sheet for life insurance - KBC Inheritance Tax Insurance
- Financial fact sheet for life insurance - KBC Inheritance Tax Insurance for inter vivos gifts via the bank or gifts before a notary public
- Information document - KBC Care Plan
Saving & investing
Product rating
Investor protection
- Protection of deposits and financial instruments in Belgium (in Dutch)
- European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) designed to protect investors (in Dutch)
- Advisory Approach to Investments
- Thinking about buying shares of a fund? Always read through the Key Investor Information Document first
- KBC Bank NV’s Order Execution Policy
- Regulations Governing Transactions in Financial Instruments - KBC Bank NV
- Approach Investment Profile and Product Knowledge and Experience Test
- Investment advisory approach including transparency on sustainability risks
- Remuneration policy statement
KBC Asset Management NV
- Transparency on sustainability risks and adverse sustainability impacts
- Remuneration policy statement
- Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
KBC Insurance NV
- Investment advisory approach including transparency on sustainability risks
- Transparency on sustainability risks and adverse sustainability impacts
- Principal adverse sustainability impacts statement
- Remuneration policy statement
- Investment policy for responsible life insurance products (Class 21)
- Declaration of intent – data sharing
Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (cfr. art. 4.1 Commission Delegated Regulation – RTS)
Tax matters
Consult previous versions of these documents
If you're in doubt whether the document on this page is the most recent version or if you'd like to see a previous version, don't hesitate to contact your KBC Bank branch. They will be glad to provide you with the latest and earlier versions of these legal documents and regulations.