Read KBC Asset Management’s General Terms and Conditions, legal documents and policies here.
Information and publications
- Asset test
When units in an investment fund are sold, withholding tax (the so-called ‘Reynders tax') may be due in some cases on the capital gains realised. This overview includes an asset test showing which investment funds are subject to this levy (Belgian withholding tax). - Key Information Document (KID)
The Key Information Document will help you understand the nature of investment funds and the risks associated with them. In this way, the document enables you to make well-informed investment decisions. - Reorganisation of KBC’s fund offering
It is sometimes necessary, in the investor’s interest, to merge or liquidate a sub-fund or investment fund. Find out more in this overview. - Fund shareholder notices
Stay informed about your investment through this overview of notices. - Where are the assets in which your BELGIAN investment fund invests?
A custodian literally takes custody of the assets in which your investment fund invests. They also perform a number of checks. Read here about who has assumed this important task for your investment fund. - Where are the assets in which your LUXEMBOURG investment fund invests?
- A custodian literally takes custody of the assets in which your investment fund invests. They also perform a number of checks. Read here about who has assumed this important task for your investment fund.
- Investment risk and return: a long-term framework
Past performance is no guarantee for the future… but what will the future bring? - Execution Quality Report – KBC Asset Management NV (2019: pdf, csv; 2020: pdf, csv; 2021: pdf, csv, 2022: pdf, csv)
The Execution Quality Report describes for each class of financial instruments the top five execution venues and information on the quality of execution obtained.
In scope of the report are orders executed for professional and retail mandates managed by KBC Asset Management NV. - Policy on Risk profile/investment profile and product knowledge assessment.
- Frequently asked questions concerning the application of the settlement discipline regime imposed by the Central Securities Depositories Regulation.
- Annual General Meeting (AGM) Documents
Global Partners AGM - Convening notice
Global Partners AGM - Proxy
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For each investment product, consult information such as the investment policy, risks and key data - and documents such as the prospectus and the Key Information document (KID).
About us: guidelines and procedures
- General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between KBC Asset Management and its clients. If you require an earlier version, please contact your dedicated relationship manager. - Privacy Statement
Your privacy is very important to us. Our aim is to process your personal data in a manner that is lawful, appropriate and transparent. In this privacy statement, we explain which of your personal details we collect from you as a natural person and then process. - Summary of the rights of investors and potential investors
- Investment instruments: strengths and weaknesses
KBC offers a variety of investment instruments, each with its own features, strengths and weaknesses. You will find all of them in this brochure, which you can use to make the right choice in consultation with your financial adviser. - Best Selection and Execution Policy and Client Order Handling Policy
KBC Asset Management takes all reasonable measures to achieve the best possible result when orders are executed and processes these orders promptly and accurately. Read the details of this execution and processing here. - Code of conduct for conflicts of interest (full text) - Summary of Code of conduct for conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest can exist or arise within management companies. KBC Asset Management therefore has a code of conduct for conflicts of interest in order to detect, solve and monitor any such conflicts. It ensures that we operate fairly in line with the client’s interests. - Fraud policy
Combating fraud is a priority for KBC Asset Management. Here you can read more about the measures we take to prevent and reduce the risk of fraud and malpractice. - Procedure for the protection of whistle-blowers
KBC Asset Management staff are obliged to report any suspicion of fraud or other serious malpractices. This procedure enables them to do so without fear of reprisal. - Remuneration policy
This report provides you with more information on how entities in the KBC Asset Management group organise their remuneration policy. - Retrospect Proxy Voting - overview
This document gives you more information about how the engagement policy of KBC Asset Management was implemented last year. - Retrospect Proxy Voting - voting instructions
This document gives you an overview of all shareholders' meetings in which KBC Asset Management participated. It shows how KBC Asset Management voted in favor of the proposed resolutions. - General exclusion policy for conventional and Responsible Investing funds
This document gives you an overview of the exclusion policy applicable to all investment funds of KBC Asset Management.
- Exclusion policy for Responsible Investing funds
This document gives you an overview of the exclusion policy applicable to all Resposible Investing funds of KBC Asset Management.
- Investment policy for Responsible Investing funds
- Sustainable finance disclosure
Systematic and transparent information within the framework of the European Sustainability Related Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). - Product-related disclosures under the SFDR and EU Taxonomy Regulation for discretionary mandates portfolios managed by KBC Asset Management NV.
- Sustainability-related disclosures for discretionary mandates portfolios managed by KBC Asset Management N.V. that promote environmental or social characteristics