business model canvas

Business Model Canvas

Clearly map out your business idea

If you have a great idea for a business, but you’re not sure about its feasibility, the Business Model Canvas will help you clearly define your idea and turn it into a watertight plan.

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More useful info for business starters

What is the Business Model Canvas?

The Business Model Canvas allows you to map out your idea in detail using nine building blocks:

  1. Value proposition: What problem are you solving or which needs are you satisfying? Why should someone choose your company and not a competitor’s?
  2. Target group: Who are your customers? Are you targeting private individuals or professionals? What is the gender, age and purchasing power of your target group?
  3. Channels: How do you communicate with your customers? Which channels do you use to deliver your product or service to your customers? For example, you might rely on brick-and-mortar shops, an online store, social media, local newspapers, or something else entirely.
  4. Customer relationships: How do you attract customers and how do you retain them? Each customer segment requires a different approach.
  5. People and resources: What do you need to run your business? Do you only require physical resources, such as a computer, an office or machinery, or do you also need employees?
  6. Key activities: List all the activities that make your business model work, such as production, marketing, sales and so on.
  7. Partners: Which suppliers and partners are essential to making your business a success? This might be an accountant, a communications agency or your employees.
  8. Income: What are your sources of income? How much revenue does each product or service generate? You should also think about how you want to achieve that revenue. How many customers do you need and what prices should you charge?
  9. Cost structure: What will you have to spend in order to run your business? Be sure to consider both fixed costs (e.g., rent) and variable costs (e.g., purchasing products).

Let's get started!

When you’re ready to create your own Business Model Canvas, this free template is just what you need. It also includes additional questions and useful tips to help you get started.

Download your free template and detailed user guide

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