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If you suspect fraud, inform us immediately

If you’ve fallen victim to fraud or suspect this might be the case, it’s important that you immediately contact KBC Secure4u, our fraud department. You can call them at any time on 016 432 000.

Call KBC Secure4u 24/7
Call KBC Secure4u 24/7

When should you call KBC Secure4u?

  • You notice a transfer that hasn’t been made by a colleague
  • You entered company details on a suspicious website
  • You disclosed a colleague’s details to a stranger over the phone
  • You receive a reminder to pay an invoice that you had paid a few weeks previously
  • You made a transfer because a stranger asked you to
  • You installed software that allows someone to take control of your device
  • Your company smartphone or tablet gets lost or stolen
  • You gave someone your payment card and/or a device you use for banking
  • You gave someone your payment card and/or a device you use for banking
  • You unexpectedly received a text message about activating KBC Mobile
  • Your smartphone or tablet gets lost or stolen
  • ...

Is it really so important to call KBC Secure4u?

It is indeed. In order to stop the fraudulent activity as soon as possible, we will immediately block your account(s) and the applications you use for banking. By acting right away, we also increase the chances of recovering any lost funds.