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Compare types of credit for business facilities

  • Finance your business equipment
  • Run a simulation and arrange everything online
  • Get the same personal rate online as you would in your branch
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How do I finance my business facilities?

Thinking of buying new business equipment? Credit is the perfect solution. Financing your investment using cash is a less attractive prospect due to the high cost. If you opt for credit, you keep your own funds free and spread the costs. You also benefit from tax breaks. For example, your interest and origination fee are tax-deductible.

KBC has various credit options to finance your business equipment. Take a look below and see which credit is best for you.

Found your ideal financing? Run a simulation and apply for your credit online, wherever and whenever you like. Get the same sharp rate online as you would at any of our branches.

Investment Credit

Minimum credit amount

None 9 000 EUR, excluding VAT 9 000 EUR, excluding VAT

Pre-financing of VAT


In instalments or in one lump sum no no


Monthly Monthly Monthly

Residual value

no Standard 4% Standard 16%


Additional security possible no no

Accounting treatment

You can write down the business equipment You can write down the business equipment You can deduct the monthly payments as operating expenses

Looking for credit for major investments?

Thanks to the KBC Roll-Over Credit, you can finance your business equipment starting from 250 000 euros. Find out more about roll-over credit.

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