Schuldsaldoverzekering Comfort in VAPZ en Sociaal VAPZ

Comfort loan balance insurance as supplementary cover in a VSPSS and social VSPSS

  • For company managers, the self-employed and liberal professionals
  • Financial peace of mind for your loved ones should you die
  • The premiums you pay can be deducted as a business expense
  • For a home loan or investment credit
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What is it?

Your VSPSS or social VSPSS (sVSPSS) enables you to not only save for your pension, but also to put loan balance insurance in place for your home loan or investment credit. The insurance is designed to clear (part of) your outstanding loan balance should you die early, thus ensuring your next of kin are not left with the burden of an outstanding debt.

Who is it for?

The insurance is intended for the self-employed, company managers and liberal professionals, who are eligible for a VSPSS.

Always properly insured

Loan balance insurance is linked to your loan and therefore automatically tracks what you have left to repay, meaning you’re always insured for the correct amount even if you repay part of your loan early.

Advance insurance cover ensures you are covered before you start drawing down the loan and even before the deed of loan has been notarised. The cover applies for up to one year and ends when your actual insurance cover begins.

The loan must be in the name of the insured who has to be a natural person.

How do we calculate your premium?

  • We apply certain criteria for this purpose (find out why we do this and how it works in the KBC Insurance Segmentation Policy)
  • We recalculate your premium each month on the basis of the loan amount still outstanding.
  • As the premiums for Comfort Loan Balance Insurance are financed from the reserves in the VSPSS or sVSPSS, you don’t pay an additional premium for this insurance.

Tax benefits

  • The premiums you pay in your VSPSS or sVSPSS are fully deductible as business expenses
  • Due to the fact that the tax authorities regard buying property as a way of accumulating supplementary pension income, the premiums are taxed as a VSPSS or sVSPSS
  •  The social and tax benefits combined can add up to as much as 63%
  •  If you die early, notional interest is calculated at a beneficial rate on the reserves of a VSPSS or sVSPSS and on the sum covered by the loan balance insurance

What sum is insured?

 It depends on the cover percentage you choose. The cover percentage for your loan balance insurance shows which percentage of the outstanding loan amount is insured. Speak to your insurance agent to find out which cover percentage is best for you.

What are the main exclusions?

  • Death of the insured by suicide in the first year of the contract (euthanasia according to the legal provisions is, however, not an exclusion)
  • Death of the insured as a consequence of an act of violence by the policyholder or the beneficiary
  • Death as a consequence of active participation in events of war

Details of Comfort Loan Balance Insurance in a VSPSS or sVSPSS

Legal form: Guaranteed-interest life insurance (class 21)
Term: The insurance ends when the insured person reaches statutory retirement age, if they die before then or once they’ve repaid the home loan in full. Loan balance insurance usually runs for the same length of time as the loan.
Fees and charges: Given that you don't pay any premium tax on a VSPSS, you don't pay any on loan balance insurance either.

More things you need to know

  • Comfort Loan Balance Insurance in a VSPSS and sVSPSS is a guaranteed-interest life insurance product (class 21).
  • It is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • Medical acceptance is required and can be handled entirely inKBC Mobile or KBC Touch.
  • Future tax treatment may change, and depends on your individual circumstances. Your KBC insurance agent will be happy to provide you with tailored advice on this matter.
  • Your insurance agent is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, you can contact KBC Complaints Management by post at Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, by e-mail at, by telephone on + 32 16 43 25 94 (free number) or + 32 78 15 20 45 (pay number), or by fax on + 32 16 86 30 38.
  • If you cannot find a suitable solution, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry’s ombudsman service: Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels,, This does not affect your legal rights.
  • Comfort Loan Balance Insurance in a VSPSS and sVSPSS is a product provided by KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium. VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB
  • Company licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979).
  • Member of the KBC group


If you’re interested in this product and would like to know how to combine it with other types of supplementary pension plans, contact your KBC insurance agent. They’ll be happy to tell you all about it.

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