Agriculture and horticulture

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Agriculture and horticulture

Theft Insurance

Covers you for loss or damage affecting your goods as a result of theft or attempted theft.

Cover decrease in your operating result

After an insured claim event, you may find yourself unable to perform your professional activities properly. It is therefore advisable to insure yourself against the ensuing decrease in your operating results.

Multi-risk insurance

Protect your property against various risks such as fire, vandalism and storms. Learn more.

Insure items against all risks

With KBC All-Risk Insurance for Specific Items, you are covered against financial loss caused by theft or attempted theft of, unexpected damage to, or destruction of the insured specific items.

Insure monetary instruments such as cash and securities.

This all-risk insurance covers you against the destruction, damage or loss of the insured valuables.

Third-party liability insurance for lessors of business premises

If your insured buildings cause loss, damage or bodily injury to third parties, this insurance will cover you against claims from those third parties.

legal assistance and support in legal disputes concerning insured buildings

This insurance provides for legal assistance and support in legal disputes concerning the insured buildings.

Cover decrease in your operating result

After an insured claim event, you may find yourself unable to perform your professional activities properly. It is therefore advisable to insure yourself against the ensuing decrease in your operating results.

Insurance for your animals

Insure your animals, such as individual horses, individual cattle or herds of cattle, against injury.

Cover yourself for soil remediation expenses

Discover the insurance that covers you for any expenses you incur in remediating the soil following leakage of fuel oil from a tank or its pipes.

Cover yourself against sudden changes in temperature

This insurance allows you to cover yourself against sudden changes in climatic and growth factors.