Setting up a pension fund

KBC Pension Fund Solutions

  • Gain access to the pension fund market
  • We take over the complexity and you stay involved
  • Asset management with potentially higher returns
Contact KBC Pension Fund Solutions

KBC Pension Fund Solutions is our way of helping address today's pension challenges. We use our years of knowledge and experience to offer SMEs something unique: the strength of a pension fund, once only available to the biggest players, but now accessible to all medium-sized enterprises.

Two types of cost are associated with a pension fund:

1. Running costs
These include costs related to software, administration, the auditor, file management and the FSMA.
Running costs are capped at 2% of the previous year's contribution volume. These costs (including the explicit capping) are agreed in advance and set out in the membership agreement.
Running costs are invoiced either monthly or annually and may be borne in full or in part by either the member or the employer.

2. Asset management costs
To invest contributions as efficiently and effectively as possible, the asset manager levies fees and charges. These depend on the allocation of assets in the investment portfolio and developments on the financial markets.
An estimate of the total costs for asset management is clearly communicated in advance and customers are sent a report each year detailing the fees and charges actually deducted (including transaction charges).

We take the strain and you stay involved

Setting up and managing a pension fund requires highly specific expertise in terms of management, advice, monitoring and administration. Legal obligations and governance requirements for pension funds have, moreover, increased substantially in recent years due to European regulations.
When you sign up to KBC Pension Fund Solutions, we take the complex administration, legal obligations and actuarial management of a pension fund off your hands, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. Of course, your relationship manager is always on hand to keep you up to date with your pension fund or answer your questions.

In 1942, KBC was one of the first employers in Belgium to establish a pension fund. The knowledge and know-how were built up internally as much as possible and also placed at the service of external pension funds.

Jan Van Hove, Managing Director KBC Insurance and Chairman RVB KBC Pension Fund Solutions

Ook in het buitenland spreken we letterlijk en figuurlijk jouw taal

A customised pension fund

At KBC, we are very much aware that no two companies are alike and, therefore, we offer a wide range of pension plans. You can specify the financing parameters and select additional cover from an extensive drop-down menu, enabling you to come up with a unique solution that perfectly matches your company's needs and objectives.
We’re here to advise and support you every step of the way and to make sure you get the most from your pension plan.
We can also offer death, disability and premium waiver guarantees at competitive rates.We are here to advise and support you every step of the way, making sure your retirement plan is a nice perk for your employees.

Keep a nice standard of living even after retirement

Monthly or annual deposits are of course important because the more capital that is accumulated before retirement, the better. However, the capital is only really boosted by higher returns. They are the driving force behind pension fund growth and the gains achieved by the time retirement is taken.
After all, that is the engine to give the pension fund every opportunity to grow and give yourself a nice standard of living after retirement age.

Return*       Term  
  10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years
1% €10.462 €22.019 €34.785 €48.886
2% €10.950 €24.297 €40.568 €60.402
3% €11.464 €26.870 €47.575 €75.401
4% €12.006 €29.778 €56.085 €95.026
5% €12.578 €33.066 €66.439 €120.800

* In this table, the annual deposit of 1 000 euros accrues interest based on the term to maturity and the expected return.

Attractively and clearly priced

Two types of cost are associated with a pension fund:

1. Running costs
These include costs related to software, administration, the auditor, file management and the FSMA.
Running costs are capped at 2% of the previous year's contribution volume. These costs (including the explicit capping) are agreed in advance and set out in the membership agreement.
Running costs are invoiced either monthly or annually and may be borne in full or in part by either the member or the employer.

2. Asset management costs
To invest contributions as efficiently and effectively as possible, the asset manager levies fees and charges. These depend on the allocation of assets in the investment portfolio and developments on the financial markets.
An estimate of the total costs for asset management is clearly communicated in advance and customers are sent a report each year detailing the fees and charges actually deducted (including transaction charges).

Need more information?

We’ll be happy to make time to listen to your questions and help you find the solution that best suits your needs.

Contact KBC Pension Fund Solutions