KBC-Safe 26

A capitalisation contract for legal entities

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KBC-Safe 26

A capitalisation contract for legal entities

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Why choose KBC-Safe 26?

If you're looking for a safe, long-term investment for a legal entity such as a company or non-profit organisation, then KBC-Safe 26 is an answer to your needs.It's an investment product giving you a guaranteed interest rate (currently 2.50%) on each deposit, right up to maturity (eight years). In addition, this return may be supplemented with an annual variable profit share.

Main features of KBC-Safe 26

Guaranteed rate of interest

With KBC-Safe 26, you benefit from a guaranteed return. Interest accrues on your deposit from day one, right up until the maturity date of your contract. At present, the interest rate is 2.50% for contracts with an eight-year term.

Fixed term

KBC-Safe 26 is a long-term investment with a term of eight years, though this does not mean that your funds are tied up for that entire period. On the contrary, you can access your money at any time. However, you will have to pay an exit charge if you decide to withdraw your money early. If you let the investment run to maturity, you pay no exit charge at all.

Amount of your deposit

You can invest a minimum of 25.000 euros and a maximum of 5.000.000 euros (including charges) in KBC-Safe 26. No further deposits can be made during the contract term, but you can of course take out a new contract if you want to invest further.

Variable profit share

If the economic situation and KBC Insurance’s earnings allow, this income can be supplemented annually with a variable, non-guaranteed profit share. 


Entry 2,5% on each deposit
Management Free of charge

Free of charge on the maturity date.

0.5% of the accrued reserve. A supplementary exit charge may be payable depending on the economic circumstances in the case of early surrender.

Tax treatment

Withholding tax Whether the contract is surrendered or reaches maturity, the total return (basic return + profit share) is subject to withholding tax. 
Insurance tax Not applicable.

Sustainability-related information

This product promotes environmental and social characteristics that enable you to make a positive impact on the environment or society, but does not have sustainable investment as an objective. We also strive to reduce any detrimental impact on the environment or society by pursuing responsible investment policies. More detailed information in this regard can be found in the product fact sheet.

This product was awarded the ‘Towards Sustainability’ label for a one-year period. The label, which was developed by Febelfin (the Belgian banking federation), is re-evaluated every year. It is a quality standard under the supervision of the Central Labelling Agency of the Belgian SRI Label (CLA). The standard defines several minimum requirements that sustainable financial products must meet at product level and in the investment process. See www.towardssustainability.be/the-label/about-the-label for more details. Products that are awarded this label may not meet your own sustainability objectives and the label itself may not necessarily meet the requirements of future national or European regulations. Learn more at www.fsma.be/en/sustainable-finance.


Investment aim:
Class 26 capitalisation transaction whereby the investment risk is borne by the insurance company.
Risk indicator:
1 on a scale of 1 (lower risk) to 7 (higher risk).

Additional info

KBC-Safe 26 is a guaranteed-interest (class 26) capitalisation contract issued by KBC Insurance NV and subject to Belgian law.

Further information on this product is given in the product fact sheet and in the key information document. Be sure to read these documents before taking out this product.


Your intermediary is your first point of contact for any questions and complaints you may have. If you have a complaint, you can also e-mail us at complaints@kbc.be or call us on tel. 016 43 25 94 (free phone) or send your complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman-insurance.be.

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