Flexible credit card
- Set your own spending limit
- Repay everything in one go or spread repayment over time – the choice is yours
- Track your spending and manage your credit card in KBC Mobile or KBC Touch
What is KBC Flex Budget?
Interested in taking out a KBC credit card? If you are, you might want to take out a KBC Flex Budget facility while you're at it! This extra cash reserve can be used any time you want, without a repayment period being set beforehand1. It means you can stagger repayment of what you owe on your credit card, instead of paying everything back in one go at the end of the month.
1 A debt clearance period applies to this cash reserve.
Everything you need to know about KBC Flex Budget
Everything at once, or a little bit at a time? It's you who decides when and at what pace you repay what you've spent. You only pay interest for the period and on the amount for which you postpone repayment.
- Monthly repayment: you can repay the full balance once a month by direct debit, which means you're not charged interest.
- Spread repayment: you decide how much you pay off each month (don’t forget the debt clearance period).
- You can repay a fixed percentage of what you owe, for instance 30%2
- You can also repay a fixed amount each time, for instance 250 euros3
- The annual debit interest rate we charge when you spread repayment depends on the credit card your KBC Flex Budget is linked to:
- It is 8.97% for a KBC Credit Card with KBC Flex Budget facility (regardless of the limit).
- It is 10.09% for a KBC Silver Credit Card with KBC Flex Budget facility (for a limit of 2,500 euros).
- It is 9.65% for a KBC Gold Credit Card with KBC Flex Budget facility (for a limit of 5,000 euros).
- It is 8.63% for a KBC Platinum Credit Card with KBC Flex Budget facility (for a limit of 7,500 euros).
- Transfer to your current account: you can also transfer the reserve on your KBC Flex Budget facility to your current account and use it to pay bills or make payment with your KBC Debit Card. You pay interest from the moment that you make the transfer. The time you want to take to repay the amount in question can also be set separately for this type of transfer4.
2 By law, the amount you repay monthly must be at least 5.6% of your outstanding balance.
3 The amount must be at least 5.6% of the spending limit for your credit card, because – by law – you must pay back at least 5.6% of your outstanding balance each month.
4 For credit cards taken out before 29 August 2016, you pay transaction charges (1% of the amount and a minimum charge of 5 euros), but interest is only charged the month after.
You receive your billing statement around the 20th of the month. It contains an overview of all the spending you've carried out on your card during the preceding period. The total amount is given in your monthly billing statement, which you receive on the 1st of the month. It contains the total amount and – if you have opted to spread your repayments – the amount to be repaid every month. Details of cash withdrawals or amounts repaid early are also included on it.
Make sure there is enough money on your account when the time comes, because the amount to be paid back is also debited automatically from your account on the 1st of the month.
If the balance available on your account is insufficient, you still have a few more days to credit your account. This is because the amounts available on your account will be debited automatically during the first five calendar days of the month until the amount owed for the month concerned has been collected in full. However, should the balance on your account still be insufficient after this period to repay the legally required minimum amount owed for that month, we will repeat this procedure until the last banking day of the month.
The facility for managing your credit card in KBC Mobile and KBC Touch lets you know:
- how much credit you've already used on your KBC Flex Budget facility (orange)
- how much is still available (green)
- how much you've spent in the month in question and what will be deducted from your facility the following month (yellow)
You can also transfer money to your KBC current account with this facility and change the time you want to take to repay what you owe.
You can adjust your monthly spending limits in your KBC branch, or in real time in KBC Mobile and KBC Touch. The maximum limit is the standard amount permitted for your chosen credit card.
Suppose you've opted for a KBC Gold Credit Card. The permitted limit for this card is 5 000 euros, which is also the maximum amount you can use during the month. If you notice that you never really use more than 2 000 euros, you can lower your limit. However if you've booked, say, a city trip to New York and the departure date is getting closer, you can simply raise your limit again.
Good to know
The KBC Credit Card, KBC Silver Credit Card and KBC Gold Credit Card are credit cards issued by KBC Bank NV, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels, Belgium, VAT BE 0462.920.226, RLP Brussels, FSMA 026256 A.
KBC Flex Budget is an open-ended credit facility linked to the KBC Silver Credit Card, KBC Gold Credit Card or KBC Platinum Credit Card and used as an additional means for drawing credit.
Lender and card issuer: KBC Bank NV. Subject to your card or credit application being approved by KBC Bank NV.