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KBC New York assists European companies with their US banking needs, and supports North American businesses pursuing opportunities in Belgium and across Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Specialised in international cash management
    Transparent and flat-fee pricing model. Cross-border zero-balancing cash pools for the US and the EU.
  • Fast and efficient KYC procedures
    We are already acquainted with your company and use information that is readily available within the KBC group.
  • Specific financing products
    KBC Commercial Finance is also active in the US.
  • Funding for acquisitions in the US
    No financial assistance rules. Benefit from the tax consolidation regime.

KBC has the international network, resources and expertise to deliver value-added solutions to its customers.

Comprehensive product offering

Financing Solutions
  • Revolving credit facility            
  • Term loan facility
  • Overdraft facility
  • Leasing                     
  • Commercial finance    

Trade Finance

  • Standby letters of credit
  • Supply chain and receivables financing

Liquidity Management

  • Time deposits
  • Overnight investment sweep
  • Zero balance account

Cash Management (KBC Reach)

  • Lockbox and remote cheque deposit
  • Automated clearing house
  • Domestic, cross-border and cross-currency transactions

This is a KBC Commercial Banking branch provides services to companies.
Are you a private person? Please follow this link to our retail page.  

Contact and location

Ideally located in Manhattan, you can reach our dedicated customer service team directly by phone +1 212-541-0787 or e-mail  

1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York
NY 10036
    Corporate centre
    1177 Avenue of the Americas
    New York
    NY 10036
    T. +1 212-541-0600

Suggestions or complaints? We'll work until it works!

You expect top-notch service from us, and you've every right to do so! We like to hear that you are satisfied, but we'd also like to know if you're not. That's why we're asking you to share your suggestions and complaints with us, so that we can continue to improve the service we provide.

Where can you go with your suggestion or complaint?

To a member of staff at your bank branch

Contact KBC Bank, NV New York Branch to submit your suggestion or complaint.

To KBC Complaints Management
Do you feel uncomfortable submitting your suggestion or complaint to your branch or agent or are you dissatisfied with the solution you've been offered?

    KBC Complaints Management
    1177 Avenue of the Americas, 39th Floor
    New York, New York 10036
    Phone: 212-541-0600

Contact KBC Complaints Management. KBC NY has endorsed the codes of conduct for complaints management in banks. They are an experienced team ready to mediate and assist you in finding a solution. If we are unable to respond immediately, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt so that you know that we are dealing with your problem or suggestion. We will also give you an idea when you can expect a response from us.

We urge you to provide only the information that is relevant to the handling of your complaint. If in your message you mention special categories of personal data in the sense of Article 9 of the GDPR, then you give your explicit consent to KBC, and more specifically the Complaints Management department, to process these data within the scope of handling your complaint.