Legal information

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Legal information

Save as is otherwise explicitly stipulated, the various pages and simulations which you can view on this website or can obtain via interactive applications are provided purely for information purposes. The website will be updated regularly and on a best-efforts basis. Nevertheless, KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV cannot guarantee that the information, data and publications on the KBC website, or on the websites to which they provide a link, are up to date, accurate, correct, complete or suitable for a particular purpose.

The information provided does not constitute an offer of bank or insurance products or services. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information cannot be regarded as investment advice or an investment recommendation within the meaning of the Act of 2 August 2002. If you would like to obtain specific information, professional advice or an offer, please contact a KBC Corporate branch. The information provided may only constitute an offer if explicitly stipulated as such. Such an offer is not directed at persons who visit, access or use the KBC website from countries or jurisdictions other than those explicitly mentioned. Moreover, under no circumstances whatsoever may you take this offer into consideration if it does not comply with the regulations applicable in your jurisdiction.

KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV may not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from access to, consultation or use of the information, data and publications on the website and/or access to and use of the interactive applications, except in the event of proven fraud or serious misconduct on their part.

This website offers links to third-party websites, which you may visit if you wish. In this regard, KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV do not act as intermediaries nor do they mediate in any way whatsoever between you and the third parties in question.KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV are in no way responsible for the content of the sites to which they provide a link, nor can they guarantee their level of security. Moreover, KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV do not offer any guarantee whatsoever in relation to the solvency and/or reliability of the site owners or managers, nor as regards the persons or companies on which the site(s) provide(s) information.

You may not hold KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV and/or KBC Insurance NV, KBC Autolease NV liable for any adverse consequences or any loss/damage which you might suffer as a result of (i) making contacts and/or concluding contracts through these hyperlinks, (ii) using information obtained via these hyperlinks, (iii) viewing the website(s) visited via these hyperlinks.

It is not permitted to establish links to KBC web pages from other sites by means of ‘deep linking’, ‘framed linking’, ‘inlining’ or other similar techniques, without obtaining the prior express consent of KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV. If a link is established without permission, we reserve the right to claim compensation, and will take legal action to safeguard our rights.

The product- and service-related information provided via this website by KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV and KBC Autolease NV is governed by the laws of Belgium to which they are subject. Should you gain access to this website or make use of it from another jurisdiction, you are required to make sure in advance that this is permitted under the laws of the country in which you reside. If this is not the case, please refrain from any (further) access to or use of our website. The KBC-Online service is solely for persons having signed a KBC-Online contract under Belgian law.

Intellectual property rights in respect of the information, publications and data provided on this website are held by either KBC Group NV, KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV, KBC Autolease NV, or the entities associated with them or third parties. You will refrain from violating these rights in any way. Any transfer, sale, publication or reproduction in any form or by any means whatsoever of the information, publications or data is prohibited, except with the prior express written permission of the author or his/her assigns.

More information on how your privacy is respected can be found under privacy, which together with this disclaimer appears at the bottom of every KBC website page.


KBC Group NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium – VAT BE 0403.227.515 – RLP Brussels

KBC Bank NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium – VAT BE 0462.920.226 – RLP Brussels. Member of the KBC group.

KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium – VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven. Company licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979). Member of the KBC group.

KBC Autolease NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 5 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium – VAT BE 0422.562.385 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE30 4377 5013 7111 – BIC KREDBEBB. Member of the KBC group.