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Apply online now for your auditor's certificate in the KBC Business Dashboard

The benefits:

  • You receive the certificate digitally and your auditor receives their copy by post within 10 business days*
  • You can specify the language in which the certificate is to be drawn up
  • Digital applications can be submitted at any time, are much cheaper and also faster

Follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply for the auditor’s certificate.

* In exceptional cases, you won’t receive the auditor's certificate in your Business Dashboard. Your branch will then pick up your digital application and send the certificate to you and the auditor.

Request a certificate in Business Dashboard

Need permission?

The auditor's certificate contains confidential information. The administrator of the KBC Business Dashboard can give a user permission to receive the certificate digitally.

If you are an administrator, quickly check to see whether the desired users can receive the certificate online.

Manage your users in the Business Dashboard now