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Advances in current account and straight loans

KBC gives you financial breathing space

  • Flexible
    You decide when, how often and for how long you draw down funds.
  • Tax benefits
    The interest and charges for advances in current account and straight loans are tax-deductible.
  • Optimisation of payment behaviour
    Allows you to seamlessly cover the period between expenditure and income, thus avoiding cash flow problems.
Contact your relationship manager

Do you need some financial breathing space in the operating cycle of your business? You can finance additional liquidity with KBC in the form of a KBC Advance in Current Account or a KBC Line of Business Credit with straight loans.

Advances in current account

An advance in current account enables you to accommodate temporary, short-term liquidity shortfalls easily, with no extra red tape. This type of credit allows you to go overdrawn in your bank account up to the agreed maximum amount.

Your benefits

  • Accommodate temporary liquidity shortfalls
  • Tax-deductible
  • Only pay interest on the amount drawn down

Straight loans

For bigger operational needs there is the straight loan. You can draw down the loan yourself easily via KBC-Online for Business. You choose the amount and the term of the straight loan, which you draw down within the available credit line.

Draw down straight loans in your Business Dashboard

Your benefits

  • You decide the amount and the term
  • Tax-deductible
  • Draw down the loan yourself via KBC-Online for Business.

Contact your KBC relationship manager to discuss how you can optimise your working capital and additional financing needs. He or she will be able to help you devise a good treasury management system. Based on your projected future liquidity requirements, you can discuss the limit of your line of business credit facility with him or her.

Contact your relationship manager