
The handy service in KBC Mobile that supports you from the moment you order your lease car or bike

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The handy service in KBC Mobile that supports you from the moment you order your lease car or bike

Got a KBC Autolease lease car or bike or ordered one? That means you can use our KBC Mobile app’s handy MoveSmart service.

What can MoveSmart do for you?

  • Track lease car or bike orders, view contract details and check things like where and when your car or bike will be delivered and whether you’re entitled to a replacement
  • Manage maintenance and tyre changes and easily book appointments with your dealer or tyre centre
  • Tap to get roadside assistance from VAB who locate you instantly by GPS

MoveSmart is offered through KBC Mobile*

KBC Mobile is the best banking app of 2019 and you can use it even if you’re not a customer.

* Also available via KBC Brussels Mobile and CBC Mobile

How do you use MoveSmart?

  • Get KBC Mobile
  • Go to ‘Additional services’ and tap ‘MoveSmart’ 
  • Log in once with your KBC MoveSmart account (if you don’t have one yet, just ask your company’s fleet or mobility manager to help you get one)
See what a lease car or bike will cost you using our KBC MoveSmart web application.