Discount every time you fill up
Clear transaction summary
Monthly payment by direct debit
Why choose a VAB Fuel Card?
The VAB Fuel Card offers you nothing but benefits. You receive a discount every time you refuel, receive a monthly statement of all transactions per card or per vehicle, and pay every month by direct debit.
How much discount?
There are two fuel cards
- VAB Multi-Brand Fuel Card : 5 eurocents discount per litre, excluding VAT
- VAB Esso Fuel Card: 5 eurocents discount per litre, excluding VAT
Where can you refuel?
- VAB Multi-Brand Fuel Cards can be used at over 1,300 filling stations in Belgium (Esso, Q8, Texaco, Lukoil, Avia, Power, Gabriëls and Maes stations). They can also be used throughout Europe at filling stations where you see the DKV sign.
- VAB Esso Fuel Cards can be used in more than 300 Esso filling stations in Belgium.
If you need fuel cards for your vehicle fleet, don’t hesitate, get in touch with your relationship manager.