ecoWise, your energy transition partner

ecoWise, your energy transition partner

Together we make your energy economy more sustainable

As an entrepreneur and company manager, you not only have to deal with rising energy costs, stricter energy standards and complex regulations, you also want to make your business activities more sustainable in the future. Energy accounts for a significant portion of a company’s environmental footprint, so it’s a great idea to address this aspect first. However, you may not have the time and expertise you need to develop an intelligent strategy for your business' energy transition.

KBC offers the solution with ecoWise, a subsidiary created in order to support and guide small and medium-sized businesses in their transition to sustainable practices. The focus is on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

How will this service be provided?

Your relationship manager is your first point of contact who can get your collaboration with ecoWise started.
The keywords in this process are:

  • Partnership
  • Expert advice tailored to your business
  • A network of quality partners
  • Ultimately saving 25% in energy costs
  •  An important step in making your company more sustainable

The process

Your relationship manager books an appointment with an energy consultant to come visit your business. We will take a close look at your business activities and what consumes the most energy, discuss your short and medium-term goals and your plans for the future, and the consultant will map out your specific energy situation.

We will then incorporate all of this information into an advisory report featuring a thorough analysis of your energy management. This report serves as a snapshot, but it offers more than just analysis. It also identifies where savings may be made, how to be smarter with energy, and the possibilities and options available when it comes to producing your own renewable energy. In other words, it contains data, facts and opportunities.

We will discuss this report with you and examine the technical and legislative rules, the available solutions (especially the right choice for your type of company), the grants to which you may be entitled, the payback period for investments and various other topics. In other words, we don’t just discuss your situation in theory but focus instead on the practical applications of the report.

If you would like to use this information for your own purposes, no problem.

However, if you’re looking to start a project immediately and could use a little help, we will provide a custom quote. For each topic, you’ll receive two quotes from quality partners. We will assist you with comparing them and making a decision, help you with such aspects as financing and grants, and provide an implementation plan detailing the ideal sequence of investments.

This all gives you a concrete plan of action for making your business activities more sustainable, getting your investments to work for you and becoming a more sustainable partner to your customers.

Find out how ecoWise can support your energy transition?

Contact your relationship manager