KBC and Encon, worry-free sustainable growth

KBC and Encon, worry-free sustainable growth

Sustainability is increasingly a differentiating and strategic factor between companies. In addition to legal obligations and guidelines, there is also demand from customers and suppliers. Energy efficiency, cost savings, water conservation, process improvement, ... Focusing on sustainability can help you find solutions to the challenges in many areas of your business (for example, operations, HR and finance). Sustainability is then transformed from a cost item to a great opportunity and becomes the engine for future and sustainable growth.

To meet the needs of large and more complex companies and corporates, KBC partnered with Encon in 2019. As an independent consultancy, Encon not only supports the transition to greater sustainability by providing analysis, data and advice, but if required can also take the next step together with the client and implement the recommendations.

How does it work?

Your relationship manager is your first point of contact here, and will be happy to arrange a no-obligation meeting with Encon.
The key elements in this process are:

  • An overarching sustainability proposition.
  • Expert advice, guidance, as well as implementation.
  • Tailor-made sustainability strategy.
  • Broad scope: energy efficiency, charging infrastructure, sustainable premises, addressing carbon footprint
  • Creative and innovative solutions.

The process

Everything starts with an introductory meeting, at which the Encon representative listens to your story and identifies your questions and needs.

We agree on the areas you want to address as a priority and look at the possible follow-up steps, and make an offer based on this.
There can be no sustainable journey without a roadmap. We therefore first break down the issues objectively based on data, process analysis, etc. This is a fundamental first step towards a more sustainable solution. The analysis report not only enables you to make an informed choice for your business; Encon can also act as coordinator in the subsequent implementation phase.

If you’d prefer to take control of this yourself, no problem. First and foremost, KBC and Encon want to take some of the burden from your shoulders. If you want to proceed to implementation, your bank is already at the table.

Have questions or want to get started?

If so, you can contact your relationship manager at any time.

Contact your relationship manager