
Together, let's keep internet banking safe!


Together, let's keep internet banking safe!

KBC CyberSecure Insurance

KBC Antivirus Software Package

Spotted something suspicious?

Email us at

Stay alert for phishing scams!

How cyber criminals operate

What do we do at KBC to secure online banking?

How to bank securely online

Keep hackers out with our security tips

Beware of criminals using you as a mule to launder money

Share your banking details safely

Bank courier fraud

Fraudsters call you up  and ask you to cut your debit card in half for 'security reasons', supposedly to make it unfit for further use.

Phishing over the phone

You receive a phone call from someone pretending to be a staff member working for KBC. The scammer tries to gain your trust in order to steal your data.

Debit card phishing by e-mail

Search engine phishing

Phishing by e-mail

Scammers send you an e-mail with a link to a fake website. There, they ask for your personal data and bank details. However, never share your secret codes!