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Gratis jongerenrekening bij KBC

Open a young person’s account

Free of charge
for young people aged 10 to 24
  • Check your balance and make secure transfers with KBC Mobile
  • Pay by contactless or withdraw cash using your debit card or phone
  • Use KBC Mobile to buy bus and train tickets or rent a shared bike, whenever and wherever you want
Open your free current account

Why go for a young person’s account?

Young person’s account

Whether it's paying for a pizza delivery or buying a drink from a vending machine, there are times when you’ll want to have cash on you. Not something you want to have to pay extra for. With our KBC Plus Account for under-25s, you won’t have to.

It gives you lots of great free benefits compared to our KBC Basic Account

  • Withdraw euros in Belgium and the rest of Europe at no extra charge
  • Get a second debit card
  • Use KBC Mobile to do all your banking
  • Personalise your debit card with one of your coolest photos
  • Repay your friends conveniently with MobilePay
  • Pay by Payconiq without needing your debit card in shops, restaurants and more
  • Buy bus and train tickets easily when and where you want

Open your free young person's account ...

And receive a handy power bank!

See how

Discover our young person's account

Two debit cards that let you

  • Withdraw cash over the counter and from other banks’ ATMs
  • Pay in almost any shop, filling station or restaurant and on virtually any website
  • Transfer money to your own or others’ accounts
    (with instant transfers to another KBC account)

Online and mobile banking

  • Online banking on your PC, laptop or tablet with KBC Touch
  • Mobile banking on your smartphone with KBC Mobile

MobileCash & MobilePay on your smartphone

  • Withdraw money using MobileCash
    (no need for your debit card, just the KBC Mobile)
  • Transfer money with MobilePay
    (just scan a QR code using the KBC Mobile app on your phone and you’re done)

Our spending limits for young people aged between 10 and 17 differ from those applying to adults. If you’re under 18, your parents manage how much you can spend. Over-18s are subject to our standard KBC Debit Card limits, which you can easily change yourself using KBC Touch or %%product.mobilebanking%.

Standard limit for under-18s

  • Daily limit for cash withdrawals: 120 euros
  • Weekly limit for cash withdrawals: 900 euros
  • Weekly limit for payments: 900 euros

Maximum limit for under-18s

  • Daily limit for cash withdrawals: 500 euros
  • Weekly limit for cash withdrawals: 5,000 euros
  • Weekly limit for payments: 2,500 euros

If you’re over 18 and already earning, you can opt for a young person's account that includes a credit card. Get yourself the whole package for a great special price. Bear in mind that the application for your credit card has to be approved first.

Go temporarily overdrawn on your young person’s account if you need to and you’re over 18 with a KBC Budget Facility.

KBC Prepaid Card 1.00 euro
a month
KBC Plus Accountwith free KBC Credit Card


Credit card for students: Mastercard prepaid card

As a student, you don't have a fixed income and are generally financially dependent on your parents. This means you are not eligible for a credit card, because you need a financial buffer to be able to defer payment for your purchases. And even if you have part-time work to earn some money on the side, you'll still usually be refused a credit card as a student. Fortunately, there is an alternative in the form of the prepaid card, which is just as convenient, safe and secure as a traditional credit card.

I've had a current account at KBC since turning thirteen. It's where my pocket money and any money I earn from holiday work are paid into. I'm also a big fan of KBC Mobile. It's great for fast checking my balance, for buying electronic parts online and for quickly buying a bus or train ticket. Recently, I linked my PayPal account to it – that's really handy!

Arne Van den Broeck, Heist-op-den-Berg

Open your free current account
Client testimonial young person's account KBC

Learn more

The KBC Plus Account is a free-of-charge current account for under-25s. You must be 18 or older to open the account for yourself.

The KBC Credit Card is a credit card issued by: KBC Bank NV, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels, Belgium. VAT BE 0462.920.226, RLP Brussels, FSMA 026 256 A.

The KBC Flex Budget facility is an open-ended credit facility linked to the KBC Credit Card and used as an additional means of drawing credit.

Lender and card issuer: KBC Bank NV. Subject to your card or credit application being approved by KBC Bank NV.

Your intermediary is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, please contact KBC Complaints Management, Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, complaints@kbc.be, tel. 016 43 25 94 or ombudsman@ombudsfin.be, www.ombfin.be. This does not affect your legal rights.