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Check out all the benefits attached to your car insurance!

  • Driven one claim-free year? Get 10% off your third-party insurance*
  • Driven five claim-free years? Earn a no-claims joker*
  • Driven a limited number of kilometres? Get a discount of up to 15%*
Work out your car insurance now

Benefit from our discounts for cheaper insurance!

10% off your third-party liability insurance*

If you drive without causing any at-fault accidents for one year, you’ll get 10% off the premium for your compulsory third-party liability insurance. This discount is deducted automatically, so you don't have to do anything.

Earn a no-claims joker for your third-party liability insurance*

After driving five years without making a claim, you’ll be rewarded with a no-claims joker. This ensures that the first ‘at-fault’ claim you file with KBC doesn’t affect the premium you pay for your third-party liability insurance. Your no-claims joker is awarded automatically, so you don't have to do anything.

Drive less, pay less**

If you drive less than 15 000 km a year, you’ll get a 7.5% discount on your premium. If you drive less than 7 500 km, it rises to 15%. Indicate in your simulation how many kilometres you drive and your discount will be calculated automatically.

*When you take out semi- or fully comprehensive insurance, it includes the third-party liability component that also entitles you to the 10% discount after one claim-free year of motoring and the no-claims joker after five claim-free years. Find out more in the general conditions.

**The kilometre discount applies to the premium for third-party liability insurance and for semi- and fully comprehensive insurance (doesn’t apply to the assistance insurance component). The discount applies to new insurance as well as the replacement of a vehicle under existing insurance cover.

After cheaper cover? Get more from your car insurance!

1. Get 10% off fully comprehensive insurance for your electric car

If you’re intending to get yourself an electric car in 2025, you can save yourself some additional money at KBC! From 1 January to 30 April, you’ll get 10% off fully comprehensive insurance for your electric car (doesn’t apply to the assistance insurance component). If you apply for your insurance online, use the code ‘OMNIUM2025’ to redeem your benefit when requesting a quote for your premium! 

2. Customised premium

We provide a personalised insurance rate to each customer. Your car insurance premium is tailored to the type of car you drive, your no-claims history and the type of insurance you want. The same personalised rate will be calculated for you automatically regardless of whether you request it in your bank branch, at your insurance agent's or online.

3. Ability to put together your own insurance package

We’re aware that not every customer needs the same insurance package. That’s why we let you choose between three different types of policy: just compulsory third-party insurance, semi-comprehensive insurance or fully comprehensive insurance. You are also have the option to bulk up the cover. For instance, if you want to be covered for more than just material damage, you can add legal assistance, driver accident, vehicle assistance, replacement car or personal assistance cover.

If you take out fully comprehensive insurance with KBC, replacement car and vehicle assistance cover are included as standard. Transported goods up to the value of 1 500 euros are also covered by this policy.

4. Extensive purchase price guarantee

If your vehicle is declared a total loss or gets stolen, you’ll get reimbursed the full amount you paid for it, thanks to the guarantee given by KBC. That guarantee applies up to 48 months after the purchase of a 100% electric car, up to 24 months in the case of a second-hand electric car and up to 30 months for a new fossil-fuel car.

If you take out semi- or fully comprehensive insurance, we’ll invoke the ‘10% extra compensation option’ to increase the amount you get back by 10%, without any formalities, to cover any valuable items that may have gone missing, as well.

5. Add a child to your insurance policy for free

If your children are about to start driving, include them under your policy free of charge within 12 months of them getting their provisional driving licence. This can easily be arranged in KBC Mobile or KBC Touch. They’ll then be properly insured from the outset and can start building up their no-claims history. If they decide to take out their own car insurance with us later, they’ll be eligible for a lower rate.

Parents who take out driver accident insurance for their learner driver children will also benefit from a substantial discount!

Work out your car insurance now

What is and isn’t covered under the three types of insurance policy?

KBC's car insurance includes a range of options that can be fully tailored to your requirements. If you’re not sure what’s best for you, read on to see what each of our insurance policies has to offer.

Comprehensive car insurance


  • Damage caused by a collision, fire, glass breakage, theft, vandalism, forces of nature, filling up with the wrong type of fuel, collisions with stray animals or birds, and gnawing martens
  • The cost of replacing locks or reprogramming the locking system if your car keys are stolen
  • Medical expenses if you were injured in a carjacking or car theft
  • Vehicle registration tax is covered free of charge if your vehicle is a total loss

Damage to transported items

  • We compensate up to 1 500 euros for items you transport in your car which are intended for personal use in the event that your car is also damaged, including bicycles on your bicycle rack or luggage in your roof box
  • We also cover any additional vehicle features which you can no longer use after your car has been declared a total loss, such as your winter tyres or roof box

Not insured

  • Damage you cause under the influence of alcohol (more than 0.15%) or in a similar condition due to the use of substances other than alcohol
  • Damage you cause while driving your car in violation of the conditions laid down in Belgian laws and regulations
  • Damage you cause intentionally
  • Damage to parts caused as a result of wear and tear or by an obvious lack of car maintenance
  • Theft you facilitated by leaving your vehicle unattended on a public road or unlocked in another location accessible to the public
  • Your physical injuries as the driver of your vehicle
    (for which you can take out Driver Accident Insurance)

The complete list of exclusions can be found in the general conditions.

Semi-comprehensive car insurance

What is covered?

  • Damage caused by martens gnawing on your car’s cables and conduits
  • Glass breakage of car windows or breakage of the sunroof
  • Break-ins, theft and vandalism during theft
  • Hail damage or damage caused by another force of nature (storm, lightning, flood, etc.)
  • Damage caused by fire, explosion or fire-extinguishing activities (including damage caused by melting due to a short circuit)
  • Damage caused by collisions with wild or stray animals
  • Falling aircraft or falling aircraft parts
  • Any additional vehicle features which you can no longer use after your car has been declared a total loss (e.g., a set of winter tyres or a roof box)

What is not covered?

The complete list of exclusions can be found in the general conditions.

Third-party liability

What is covered?

  • Loss, damage or injury you cause with your vehicle to third parties, both material (e.g., exterior damage, damage to buildings, etc.) and physical (i.e. death or injuries)
  • Injuries sustained by pedestrians, cyclists or passengers in traffic accidents in which your car is involved

Even if you are not liable, you can claim on this insurance.


What is not covered?

Some key exclusions are:

  • damage to your own vehicle
  • physical injuries sustained by the driver in a traffic accident
  • damage caused during participation in competitions
  • damage you cause intentionally

The complete list of exclusions can be found in the general conditions.


Work out your car insurance now

What is and is not covered in the extra insurances?

Driver accident insurance

What is insured?

  • Medical care following an accident
  • If you need suitably adapted transport in order to conveyed to a hospital for necessary care, we pay that expense
  • Compensation is paid for permanent injury you sustain personally
  • Financial support is provided to close family and, in the case of death, the policy covers the expense of your funeral

The compensation does not vary according to whether it is you or another party who was liable for the accident.

Not insured

  • Industrial accidents
  • Accidents resulting from an intentional act or serious breach of a duty of care
  • Participation in and trials for speed, pace or proficiency trials.
  • Accidents when you are in a state of alcoholic intoxication to the extent of over 1.5 pro mille or if you are in a state of drunkenness or a similar state as the result of using other substances than alcohol

The complete list of exclusions can be found in the general terms and conditions.

Legal assistance insurance

What is insured

Our legal assistance insurance provides extensive cover for

  • Contractual disputes: loss or damage when buying, selling, maintaining or repairing your car
  • Administrative disputes: problems with a revoked driving licence, road tax or the technical inspection of your vehicle, for example
  • Criminal defence claims in case of alleged traffic offences, for example. When you receive a summons for speeding, moving through a red light, alcohol intoxication, etc.

What is not insured

  • Fines and out-of-court settlements
  • Disputes about
    • Paid transport of passengers or goods
    • Participation in speed races and time-speed distance (TSD) rallies
    • Rental of your vehicle
  • Deliberate violations
Work out your car insurance now

Breakdown assistance and vehicle assistance

What is covered?
VAB breakdown service

  • 24/7 VAB breakdown assistance at your home or while travelling in Belgium or Luxembourg
  • Repairs on the spot or towed to the most appropriate garage
  • Insured persons transported home

Comprehensive vehicle assistance

Get help following an accident, theft or breakdown, including abroad.

  • Insured persons brought back home
  • Stolen vehicle returned to you if found
  • Breakdown assistance or towed to the most appropriate garage

Worldwide personal assistance

  • Travel assistance in the event of illness or accidents with medical cover of up to 250 000 euros
  • Help with other inconveniences like shipping clothing and personal travel items if your luggage is stolen

Replacement vehicle following an accident, breakdown or theft (optional)

What are the main exclusions?

  • Complications related to, or worsening of, an existing illness if you have not followed the treatment prescribed
  • Damage you cause intentionally
  • Participation in the paid or profitable practice of sports, including training.
  • KBC does not cover repair costs. We only reimburse vehicle recovery costs and the cost of shipping the replacement parts

The complete list of exclusions can be found in the general conditions.

Work out your car insurance now

Good to know

  • This product is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • Insurance cover under this policy is valid for a term of one year and is tacitly renewed unless you cancel it no later than three months before the main renewal date.
    For policies taken out or tacitly renewed on or after 1 October 2024, you have up to two months before the main renewal date to cancel them. As a consumer, you can cancel your insurance contract at any time starting from the second insurance year, with effect after two months have elapsed from the day after the registered letter was submitted for delivery, the writ was served or the date of the acknowledgement of receipt.
  • Your intermediary is your first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, please contact KBC Complaints Management, Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, complaints@kbc.be, tel. 016 43 25 94, fax + 32 16 86 30 38. If you cannot find a suitable solution, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry's ombudsman service: Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman.as, www.ombudsman.as.
    This does not affect your legal rights.
  • To request a quote for a KBC Vehicle Insurance, visit our website, KBC Mobile, KBC Touch or contact your KBC Insurance intermediary.
  • KBC Vehicle Insurance is a product from KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium – VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven  – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB
    The company is licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979).
    A member of the KBC Group.

Read this information carefully before taking out this insurance