Insured against personal injury as the result of a road traffic accident
Even if you're at fault.
All drivers covered
Cover extends to persons authorised by you to drive your car.
Also insured if you temporarily drive someone else's car
If you use that car for a maximum of 30 days and only for personal purposes.
Your car, of course, needs to be properly insured. Don't you, too?
Are you aware that physical injury you sustain in a traffic accident caused by you as a road user is not covered by insurance?
With our driver accident policy, not just your car but you as well each have good insurance protection cover as you set out.
What is driver accident insurance exactly?

Our insurance for drivers is a form of accident policy.
If you have a road traffic accident, the insurance compensates you your resulting medical expenses and pays out benefit to you if you are permanently disabled (or to your heirs if the accident leads to your death).
And the policy will pay out even if no other party is involved in the accident.
Why should you need driver accident insurance?
If you're in charge of a vehicle and cause a road traffic accident, there is otherwise no insurance that covers your own personal injuries due to the crash. Your (compulsory) third-party policy only covers harm caused by you to others (hence 'third' party). And your vehicle's comprehensive policy pays out for property damage but doesn't provide recompense for your personal injuries.
This 'car insurance for drivers' policy protects you personally when you're out in your car and is therefore an optimum solution. So, if you're injured due to a road traffic accident, at least you needn't lose sleep about the cost of your treatment: your insurer pays for your medical care.
What is insured?
- Medical care following an accident
- If you need suitably adapted transport in order to conveyed to a hospital for necessary care, we pay that expense
- Compensation is paid for permanent injury you sustain personally
- Financial support is provided to close family and, in the case of death, the policy covers the expense of your funeral
The compensation does not vary according to whether it is you or another party who was liable for the accident.
What is not insured?
- Industrial accidents
- Accidents resulting from an intentional act or serious breach of a duty of care
- Participation in and trials for speed, pace or proficiency trials.
- Accidents when you are in a state of alcoholic intoxication to the extent of over 1.5 pro mille or if you are in a state of drunkenness or a similar state as the result of using other substances than alcohol
The complete list of exclusions can be found in the general terms and conditions.
Good to know
- This product is governed by the laws of Belgium.
Insurance cover under this policy is valid for a term of one year and is tacitly renewed unless you cancel it no later than three months before the main renewal date.
For policies taken out or tacitly renewed on or after 1 October 2024, you have up to two months before the main renewal date to cancel them.- Your intermediary is your first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If agreement cannot be reached, please contact KBC Complaints Management: Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven:, tel. 016 43 25 94 – Fax: + 32 16 86 30 38. If you are unable to reach a suitable resolution, you can contact the Belgian insurance industry's ombudsman service, who acts for the entire sector: de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels,,
- This does not affect your right to take legal action.
To request a quote for Driver Accident Insurance in the KBC Vehicle Insurance for passenger cars, contact your Insurance Expert at KBC.
KBC Vehicle Insurance is a product of KBC Insurance NV – Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2 – 3000 Leuven – Belgium
VAT BE 0403.552.563 – RLP Leuven – IBAN BE43 7300 0420 0601 – BIC KREDBEBB
Company authorised for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979; Belgian Official Gazette, 14 July 1979) by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
A KBC Group company