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Want to set up an investment plan right away?

  • Start with a small amount
  • Stay in control of your money
  • You don't have to be an expert

It's only possible to set up an investplan in KBC Mobile. Scan the QR code using your smartphone and get started just 3 steps later.

Set up an investment plan
Set up an investment plan with advice

Not using KBC Mobile yet?

Installing KBC Mobile on your phone is a great idea. That's because you can join over 1.6 million people and use it to do more than just carry out banking transactions and deal with insurance matters. For instance, you can also pay for parking, buy public transport tickets, and much more besides. Another bonus is that the app is regularly updated with new features.

Download KBC Mobile for iOS

Not using KBC Mobile yet?

Installing KBC Mobile on your phone is a great idea. That's because you can join over 1.6 million people and use it to do more than just carry out banking transactions and deal with insurance matters. For instance, you can also pay for parking, buy public transport tickets, and much more besides. Another bonus is that the app is regularly updated with new features.

Download KBC Mobile for Android.

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