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Illustrative image of a woman and grandchild on page about the KBC Life Solutions unit-linked product

KBC Life Solutions

  • Potential to earn a higher return
  • A wide range of funds
  • Choose who gets the accumulated reserve in the event of your death
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What is KBC Life Solutions?

KBC Life Solutions is a unit-linked (class 23) product that combines the benefits of life insurance and an investment. This offers you the potential to earn a higher return, but entails a certain degree of risk. Like a will, you can also name a beneficiary in this life insurance policy – for example, you could leave the money to your grandchildren. 

How does it work?

KBC Life Solutions is a unit-linked (class 23) product

With KBC Life Solutions, you can choose from a wide range of investment funds that do not have a maturity date, do not provide any capital protection (i.e. protect your money) and do not offer a guaranteed return (i.e. certainty of a return). As the return depends on the performance of the funds you invest in, the value of the money you invest can fluctuate over time. You are the one who bears that risk.

When market conditions allow, we also offer investment funds with a maturity date under KBC Life Solutions.
At maturity, the money you have invested (less tax and entry charges) is fully protected in the event of 100% capital protection, or at least partially protected when there is a pre-determined redemption minimum amount.

Such a fund gives you a chance to earn an attractive return on your investment. The amount invested is fully protected at maturity when there is 100% capital protection, or at least partially protected when there is a pre-determined redemption minimum amount. This protection does not apply if you exit the fund before maturity, which means you’re the one who bears the risk.

Invest with flexibility and convenience

1. Funds without a maturity date

You decide how the money you deposit is distributed among one or more funds, in accordance with your investment profile. You decide when and how much you pay in.

  • A lump-sum payment of at least 1 000 euros* (unless otherwise specified for the chosen fund)
  • Regular payments of at least 25 euros* a month 

You can withdraw your accumulated reserve at any time.

2. Funds with a maturity date

The only time you can start investing in funds with a maturity date is during their subscription period. The minimum payment into a fund is 1 250 euros*, unless otherwise specified for the chosen fund. You can withdraw your accumulated reserve at any time.

* Tax and entry charges included

How do you get even more from your investment?

You can use the money you’ve put into KBC Life Solutions to pay the premiums for your non-life insurance at KBC. It's convenient because that money doesn’t lie idle on your current account or savings account, and you don’t have to concern yourself with making these payments.

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Inheritance planning

Should you die, we ensure that the value of the unit-linked (class 23) life insurance product is paid out quickly to the beneficiaries.

You can also save on inheritance tax by using this product to leave some of your money to your grandchildren.


  • Market risk
    The money you invest in KBC Life Solutions is not protected, except when you invest in funds with a maturity date. The amount invested is fully protected at maturity when there is 100% capital protection, or at least partially protected when a minimum percentage is specified beforehand. We do not reimburse the tax and entry charges paid.
  • Inflation risk
    The bond component is not protected against the reduction in the value of money (inflation). 
  • Exchange rate risk
    Exists when you invest in securities denominated in foreign currencies.
  • Credit risk
    Doubts about the creditworthiness of the bond issuers can reduce the value of their bonds

How much does KBC Life Solutions cost?

Entry charges Maximum of 2.50% on each deposit
Exit charges Only apply when a fund with a maturity date is exited before maturity (1%)
Management fee Between 0.30% and 1.90% on an annual basis, depending on the fund chosen
Insurance tax 2% on each deposit*
Stock market tax Exempt from stock market tax*
Withholding tax No withholding tax charged if you withdraw your reserve*

* Under current tax rules

Where can I find the range of KBC Life Solutions funds?

You can see the full range when you enter ‘KBC Life S’ as your search term in the fund finder. You will also see these documents for each fund offered under KBC Life Solutions:

  • Key Information Document
  • Product sheet
  • Management rules

Good to know

  • This product is governed by the laws of Belgium.
  • Term: open-ended. The insurance ends upon the death of the insured person.
  • KBC Life Solutions is a registered investment-type insurance product that offers various investment options. The current offering comprises a broad range of open-ended, class 23 investment funds. When market conditions allow, we also offer investment funds with a maturity date under KBC Life Solutions.
  • KBC Life Solutions is a product provided by KBC Insurance NV, Professor Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
  • Your intermediary is the first point of contact for any complaints you may have. If no agreement can be reached, please contact KBC Complaints Management: Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, complaints@kbc.be, tel. 016 43 25 94, fax + 32 16 86 30 38. If you cannot find a suitable solution, you can contact the Insurance Ombudsman Service: de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels, info@ombudsman-insurance.be, www.ombudsman-insurance.be. This does not affect your legal rights.
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