KBC Asset Management NV
Entity-level information
- Statement on sustainability risks and adverse impacts on sustainability (pdf)
- Remuneration policy (pdf)
This report provides you with more information on how entities in the KBC Asset Management group organise their remuneration policy.
- Principal adverse sustainability impacts statement (pdf)
- General exclusion policy for conventional and Responsible Investing funds (pdf)
- Exclusion policies for Responsible Investing funds (pdf)
This document gives you an overview of the exclusion policy applicable to all Resposible Investing funds of KBC Asset Management.
- Investment policy for Responsible Investing funds (pdf)
- Retrospect Proxy Voting - overview (pdf)
This document gives you more information about how the engagement policy of KBC Asset Management was implemented last year.
Product-level information
Product-specific information for our investment products can be found on the following web pages:
Product-specific information for our discretionary mandates can be found in the following document:
- Product‐related disclosures under the SFDR and EU Taxonomy Regulation for discretionary mandates portfolios managed by KBC Asset Management N.V. (pdf)
- Sustainability-related disclosures for discretionary mandates portfolios managed by KBC Asset Management N.V. that promote environmental or social characteristics. (pdf)