Une facture de mazout élevée ? Un prêt personnel vous permet d'en ventiler le remboursement.
Une facture de mazout élevée ? Un prêt personnel vous permet d'en ventiler le remboursement.

Personal loan: spread the cost of your fuel oil

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Personal loan: spread the cost of your fuel oil

Energy costs money, especially in winter. As the temperatures drop, your energy bills rise. Do you heat your home with fuel oil? If so, you're sure to have noticed that filling up your oil-fired boiler is a substantial investment. Don't want to pay the full amount in one go? You can spread the payment of your fuel oil bill with a personal loan.

Energy: essential, but not cheap

Mazout wordt geleverd aan huis

Have you received a large bill for fuel oil because you've just filled up your oil-fired boiler? You don't need to pay it in one go. If the bill is for more than 1,250 euros, you could apply for a personal loan. This allows you to spread the financing of your energy requirements over time. Instead of a single payment, you spread the finance over several months.

That way, you need never exceed your budget and can still meet your obligations to the energy supplier. It's like paying for your gas monthly in advance, but with the same terms as a personal loan.

No invoices required

The minimum amount for a personal loan for is 1,250 euros, the maximum amount is 40,000 euros. You don't need to submit any invoices to take out a loan. And you can borrow at a competitive rate. Find out how much you'll have to repay each month for your fuel oil costs by doing an online simulation to work out your loan.

Form of credit: instalment loan. Lender: KBC Bank NV, Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels. VAT BE 0462.920.226, RLP Brussels, FSMA 026.256 A. Subject to your credit application being approved by KBC Bank NV and mutual agreement.

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