Activate your new payment card
Received your new debit card, credit card or prepaid card?
Read on to see how to get started with it and how to make your old card unfit for further use.
You can activate your new card in several ways
1. Pay in a shop
Pay in-store by inserting your card into the payment terminal and entering your PIN.
Paying online or contactless will not activate your card.
2. Use a KBC self-service terminal
- Insert your card into a KBC self-service terminal
- Confirm your language when prompted by the device
- Start using your card
3. Change your PIN at a self-service terminal (for the KBC Debit Card only)
Change the PIN for your KBC Debit Card at a self-service terminal or CASH point and start using your new card.
4. Withdraw cash
Make a cash withdrawal at a self-service terminal and start using your card.
Withdrawing cash at a self-service terminal sometimes attracts charges.
Find out more about rates and charges
5. Log in to KBC Touch (for the KBC Debit Card only)
Logging in to KBC Touch with your debit card and card reader immediately activates your card.
6. Have a new KBC Limited Card?
Insert your new KBC Limited Card into a KBC self-service terminal or CASH point and enter your PIN.