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Take out a KBC Budget Facility

  • Log in to KBC Touch
  • Submit and confirm your application for a budget facility
  • Once your application has been approved, you can go overdrawn by up to 750 euros
Apply online now
Not with us or don’t have KBC Touch? Call and chat with us or ask us for an appointment
  • Log in to KBC Mobile
  • Submit and confirm your application for a budget facility
  • Once your application has been approved, you can go overdrawn by up to 750 euros
Apply online now

If you prefer to apply for your credit facility via KBC Mobile, that’s perfectly possible too!

Open the app and start your application as follows:

  1. Log in to KBC Mobile
  2. Tap ‘Offer’
  3. Tap the ‘Accounts’ tile under ‘KBC products’
  4. Tap ‘Overdrawn on your personal account’
  5. Follow the steps

Have an Android device but not KBC Mobile?

Take your phone and just scan this QR code.

Alternatively go to Google Play, to get KBC Mobile.

Have an iPhone but not KBC Mobile?

Take your phone and just scan this QR code.

Alternatively go to the App Store, to get KBC Mobile.

How do you install KBC Mobile?

If you prefer to submit your application using KBC Touch, you can do so on your desktop or tablet.

Not with us yet or don’t have KBC Mobile?

Call and chat with us or ask us for an appointment