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  • Is KBC Mobile already on your smartphone? Then return and choose another way to sign.
  • Is KBC Mobile not yet on your smartphone? Then install our app first and then try the payment or linking your card again. 

Have an Android device but not KBC Mobile?

  1. Scan the QR code shown and install KBC Mobile or go to Google Play on your phone and install KBC Mobile
  2. Make the payment or link your card again.

Have an iPhone but not KBC Mobile?

  1. Scan the QR code shown and install KBC Mobile or go to the App Store on your phone and install KBC Mobile
  2. Make the payment or link your card again.

Download KBC Mobile

  1. Open the app and follow the instructions
  2. Make the payment or link your card again.

Download KBC Mobile

  1. Open the app and follow the instructions
  2. Make the payment or link your card again.