Current Accounts

Current Accounts

Get a free current account

  • Online and mobile banking
  • Debit card included
  • Open your free account online

Compare our current accounts

Choose the current account that suits you best

KBC Basic Account

  • Online and mobile banking
  • Debit card included
  • Open your account online

KBC Plus Account

  • Extensive payment package
  • Credit card of your choice
  • Open online

Young person’s account

Under 25 and want a current account with lots of free benefits? Open a KBC Plus Account online now!

KBC Budget Facility

  • Handy at the end of the month
  • Enjoy additional financial scope
  • Go up to 750 euros below zero

Frozen accounts

Accounts sometimes need to be frozen, but can be unlocked again. Learn more about frozen accounts.

Open a joint account

A joint account is a current account in your name and the name of one or more other individuals. 

KBC Basic Banking Service

Low-cost current account and debit card. Only available to individuals with less than 6000 euros at their disposal.

Open a current account

KBC Universal Banking Service

If you don't have a smartphone, PC or tablet, or you prefer not to bank digitally, then this is ideal solution for you.

Je rekening omschakelen?

Choose the account that suits your needs. Switch your account easily in KBC Mobile or KBC Touch.

Your child's financial independence