The KBC Basic Banking Service
- Low-cost current account and debit card
- Online banking capability on your laptop or smartphone
- Only available to individuals with less than 10,000 euros at their disposal
- If you live in Brussels, continue with KBC Brussels
- If you live in Wallonia, it’s better to go for CBC
What is a basic banking service?

In this digital age, you need a current account to manage your finances. Given this situation, the law states that everyone is entitled to a basic range of banking services.
Thanks to the combination of a debit card and current account for private use, anyone meeting the relevant criteria can receive money and make payments with KBC's apps.
What is included in the KBC Basic Banking Service?
- A current account
- A KBC Debit Card
- Use of KBC Touch and KBC Mobile
- An unlimited number of electronic transactions
- 36 manual transactions per year (e.g., paper-based transfers and cash withdrawals at the counter)
Who can apply for the basic banking service?

To get the basic banking service at KBC, you have to meet the following criteria:
- You are legally resident in a member state or you are a Belgian national who does not reside in a member state (and were removed from the Belgian population register no more than 10 years ago).
- You do not have this service or a current account at KBC or any other bank in Belgium.
- You have less than 10,000 euros on your accounts (time deposit, custody and savings accounts) at KBC or any other bank in Belgium.
- You do not use the current account for business purposes.
If you do not meet these criteria or want to use more services, compare the facilities offered by the KBC Basic Account and the %%product.plusrekening%.
What's it going to cost you?
Maintaining the account | 1.25 euros a month |
Over-the-counter cash withdrawals in euro | 2.00 euros per transaction (first 36 transactions exempt) |
Cash withdrawals in euro at other banks' ATMs or at Bancontact CASH points | 0.50 euros per transaction (first 36 transactions exempt) |
Cash withdrawals in euro abroad (Europe) | 0.50 euros per transaction (first 36 transactions exempt) |
Sending money in euro (paper-based transfers, transfers at the counter) or via KBC Live |
2.00 euros per transaction (first 36 transactions exempt) |
How do you apply for the KBC Basic Banking Service?
You can sign up to the Basic Banking Service at any KBC Bank branch. Drop by your nearest branch or make an appointment beforehand.
If you prefer, you can directly download the application form here.
More information
If you’ve been refused our KBC Basic Banking Service and wish to dispute this, you can contact:
• Our complaints service (KBC Complaints Management, Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven | tel. 016 43 25 94, complaints@kbc.be)
• Financial Ombudsman Service (Ombudsfin, North Gate II, Koning Albert II-laan 8 bus 2, 1000 Brussels, ombudsman@ombudsfin.be, www.ombfin.be)
• Directorate-General for Economic Inspection (Algemene Directie Economische Inspectie, North Gate III, Koning Albert II-laan 16, 1000 Brussels | Tel. 02 277 54 84, eco.inspec.fo@economie.fgov.be)