Step-by-step instructions for KBC Mobile

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Step-by-step instructions for KBC Mobile

Choose what you want to do in KBC Mobile and read the step-by-step instructions

Logging into KBC Mobile for the first time

Got a question about getting started with KBC Mobile? Get going with this guide.

Transferring money

No need to drop by your branch or waste time at the ATM. Transfer money from now on using your smartphone.

Modifying daily or weekly limits for your bank card

Decide yourself how much you can withdraw per day or per week at an ATM, or how much you can spend on your bank card.

How to apply for travel insurance

How do you apply for travel insurance? We'll guide you through it in just a few steps.

Updating software

KBC Mobile does not work on all software versions. If you want to keep using the app, follow these step-by-step instructions.

Reading your messages and documents in KBC Mobile

See how to retrieve your KBC Banking & Insurance messages and documents in KBC Mobile.