Premier car insurance for young people

KBC MyFirstCar

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Premier car insurance for young people

KBC MyFirstCar

Car insurance made for young drivers

Ideal for young people buying and insuring their first car.

Drive safely and pay a lower premium

Pay less for driving claim-free.

Pay less to insure your next car too

The lower premium you pay also applies to your next car.

What is MyFirstCar?

KBC MyFirstCar cover is affordable car insurance for young people

  • Buying a first car
  • Taking out car insurance for the first time
Premier car insurance for young people

MyFirstCar conditions

This car insurance for young people gives you a cheaper premium, provided you’re all of the following

  • Under 30
  • Insuring a car for the first time in your own name
  • Named driver under your parents’ car insurance with us for over a year

Drive safely and pay less

If you’re a named driver under your parents’ car insurance and have been driving for over a year without causing an accident, you get a better rate for your own car insurance. Not only that, but you also pay the same low rate for the next car you insure with us.

Good to know

Taking out car insurance for the first time?