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Help your customers recognise your business in KBC Mobile

In order to clearly identify payments to your business in KBC Mobile, we add

  • Name of your business
  • Location
  • Logo
  • Category

To be able to do this, it’s important that we have the correct details for your company.

Provide us with the right information

  1. Copy the information below and paste it into an e-mail.

    Recognisable name of your shop or company (as known to your customers)
    Current name on your customers’ statements
    Terminal ID
    Street and number
    Postcode and town/city
    Account number
    Shop category

  2. Fill in the details for your business per branch.
  3. Enhance recognition by attaching a logo in a vector file (SVG, EPS, PDF, AI) or as an image (PNG) of at least 300 dpi resolution.
  4. Send the e-mail to your KBC contact or your KBC branch.

Thank you for providing us with this information!

We will check everything you sent. It will take about three weeks before the information can be seen in KBC Mobile.


By sending an e-mail, you declare that you have filled in the data in this e-mail as accurately as possible, and that you understand KBC will process this information with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of enriched transaction data (name, logo, address and your shop category). This data will be used to enhance displaying all transactions that customers have carried out in your shop. 

KBC aims to process your personal data in a way that is lawful, appropriate and transparent. More information on how we process and share your personal data, as well as your rights and how to exercise them, can be found in our data protection statement, which is regularly updated. It is available at www.kbc.be/business/en/privacy, or can be obtained from your branch or intermediary.