SEPA Direct Debits in KBC-Online for Business

Use the convenient tools offered by KBC

SEPA Direct Debits in KBC-Online for Business

Use the convenient tools offered by KBC

Gets paid automatically

Automated recurring payments from customers greatly reduce your admin.

Manage your mandates in KBC-Online for Business

The handy features in KBC-Online for Business allow you to manage your SEPA Direct Debits yourself.

Collection files are easy to create

KBC-Online for Business automatically creates XML-format collection files for registered mandates.

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How can KBC help you with your SEPA Direct Debit collection?

Are you a KBC-Online for Business user? KBC-Online for Business includes the following convenient features to help you with your SEPA Direct Debits:

  • Create, manage and archive mandates
  • Range of different standard forms
  • Execute SEPA Direct Debits
  • Create collection files (in XML format)
  • Resubmission in case of unpaid direct debits

Manage your mandates in KBC-Online for Business

To manage your mandates in KBC-Online for Business, read the KBC-Online for Business Mandate Management Manual

Create your collection files in XML format in KBC-Online for Business

When using SEPA Direct Debits, the creditor needs to take the initiative to collect the outstanding amount from the client. You submit a collection file to your bank stating the amount due and the desired collection date.

The collection file must be created in XML. You can do this yourself or you can use KBC-Online for Business. KBC-Online for Business creates XML files for the registered mandates automatically.

Are you interested, but you are not yet a KBC-Online for Business user?

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KBC-Online for Business rates and charges

KBC-Online for Business allows you to manage all the incoming and outgoing business-related payments. The rates and charges applying to the services depend on the account you opt for. A handy overview.