Business insurance in Touch

Check out the available options

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Business insurance in Touch

Check out the available options

Visualise your business insurance portfolio

Get KBC Touch for 24/7 detailed access to your business insurance portfolio, right from the palm of your hand.

Detailed information on your business policies

At-a-glance info on your insurance cover at KBC.

See what pension benefits you've accrued

See what pension benefits you've accrued under your KBC Group Insurance Scheme, (Social) Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-employed, Individual Pension Scheme or Pension Agreement for the Self-employed.

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Check out the available options

See your business insurance neatly divided

  • Your own business insurance appears first
  • Business insurance where you are the policyholder as legal representative of a legal entity comes next
  • Someone else's insurance details or those of the policyholder for insurance covering a legal entity which you are also authorised to view are shown last.

Get details of all your cover

Touch shows you your business property insurance cover at a glance. It also gives you access to additional details of certain types of insurance policies.
If you're not shown this information, contact your insurance agent for expert advice. Their contact details are given on all your policies for your convenience.

As a scheme member: see the benefits you've accrued under your KBC Group Insurance Scheme, (Social) Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-employed ((S)VSPSS), Pension Agreement for the Self-employed (PAS) or Individual Pension Scheme (IPS)

  • The pension benefits you've accrued under your KBC Group Insurance Scheme are easy to find under 'Savings & investments' in your 'personal' section.
  • Savings and investment products I purchased through my insurance agent: This lets you see information on your pension benefits under the %%bank% Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-employed, Individual Pension Scheme, Pension Agreement for the Self-employed and Group Insurance Scheme.
  • Other people's savings and investment products: This lets you see the pension benefits the member-person giving authorisation has accrued under a KBC Individual Pension Scheme and Group Insurance Scheme, if you've been authorised to view them.

Wondering which type of insurance fits your business?

Make an appointment

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