Tips for transitioning to an electric fleet

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Tips for transitioning to an electric fleet

As announced by the federal government in the autumn of 2020, vehicles registered under a company’s name after 1 January 2026 must be electric in order to qualify for favourable tax treatment. Spurred by this news and in keeping with their ‘green’ image many businesses have started making the switch to an electric fleet. KBC Autolease has set out a number of pointers below to help fleet managers on their journey towards electrification.

Driver profile

The first thing you need to do is establish the fleet users’ driver profiles. An electric vehicle could replace a diesel or petrol vehicle for employees who use their company vehicle exclusively for commuting, provided that they have easy access to charging facilities at home and/or at work.

The best bet for a sales representative who drives an average of 60 000 km a year and lives in an upstairs flat would be a diesel lease vehicle. As mobility manager, you need to be able to build and manage the fleet based on driver profiles and the location of the charging facilities.

Charging at home

Using public charging facilities is the most expensive and least preferred option. While charging at work may be the cheapest option, not every company has sufficient charging facilities to cater to the entire electric fleet. And last but not least: charging at home. Working from home has become commonplace and EV drivers want to be able to charge their vehicle over the weekend and on holiday, too.

As part of its customer support, in addition to the delivery of the electric vehicle, KBC Autolease can also take care of the installation and inspection (AREI) of the charging station, and provide an NFC charge card for charging your vehicle when you’re en route or, if applicable, at work. KBC has partnered with NewMotion for the implementation of the at-home charging solution.

Net costs

While the price of an electric vehicle is still significantly higher than its diesel or petrol counterpart, the tax deduction is considerable. Since electric company vehicles may not seem like a realistic option for companies with a gross budget, KBC Autolease will gladly help them calculate the objective net costs.

When all the relevant parameters (benefit in kind, tax deduction, VAT recovery, CO2 contribution, fuel bill, etc.) are taken into account, you’ll find that there are, in fact, many feasible electric alternatives to diesel and/or petrol. To help customers make a well-founded decision based on the net costs, KBC Autolease provides them with a best-in-class ranking for around two hundred vehicles, divided into various categories.


When integrating electric vehicles into the company fleet, it is recommended to supplement the existing car policy with an e-car policy, defining the electric vehicle fleet and eligible users (driver profile, agreements regarding installation and use of the charging station, reimbursement of charging fees, etc.). KBC Autolease offers an optional e-car policy template that fleet managers can use.


Your KBC Autolease contact will be more than happy to help you with any questions you have.

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