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KBC Bank NV Italia provides commercial banking services to companies in Italy. As part of the KBC Group headquartered in Brussels, we have the backing, expertise and resources to deliver value-added solutions to our clients by leveraging KBC’s market-leading networks across Belgium and Central Europe (CE).

The commercial banking unit based in Italy specialises in managing KBC group relationships in and outside of our home markets of Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Similarly, the branch offers an invaluable, and specialised platform for those companies in Italy that conduct business with, and in, these home market countries.

This is a KBC Commercial Banking branch and only provides services to companies. Are you a private person? Then surf to this page.

Unique product offer

The Italian branch works the same way as all other KBC subsidiaries.

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1. We speak your language

Not just literally, but figuratively too. And there's no need for introductions. Our specialists are already well familiar with your company and business model thanks to close cooperation with their CE and Belgian colleagues. Our local staff works only for KBC group's home clients.

2. Italian environment

We'll ease your administrative load by helping you navigate the regulatory Italian environment.

We network with the local business, government and diplomatic community to defend your interests.

3. Services

Based on all your Payment and Lending needs, including Credits, Bank Guarantees and other Trade Finance services, we look at tailor-made solutions together with you.


The prime focus of our office located at 14 Via Dante in Milan is providing payment and working capital solutions. It is conveniently situated in the centre of town, between the Duomo and the Sforza Castle.

Via Dante 14
20121 Milan

Branch governed and coordinated by KBC Bank NV (Belgium)

  • Joris Bijdekerke - Branch Manager
  • Eric Vergnière - Head of Network Desk - T +39 028 417 7400
  • Customer Service Desk - T. +39 02 841177296 – F. +39 02 84177434 –  -
  • Data Protection Officer

Need some help? Do not hesitate to contact us.  

  • KBC Touch
  • KBC Mobile
  • KBC Business Dashboard, KBC-Online for Business of KBC Business
  • Isabel
    • Phone: +32 16 43 25 16 (mon-fri 08:00-17:00 GMT+1) 
    • E-mail:

Need to fax something? +32 3 283 39 50

Whistleblowing system

Da anni il Gruppo KBC ha ufficialmente definito i propri impegni in materia di comportamento responsabile nei confronti di tutti i suoi partner nel proprio Codice Etico. Questi principi includono la possibilità per il nostro personale di esercitare il proprio diritto di denuncia, ad esempio quando la segnalazione di un illecito a livello gerarchico è inefficace o non appropriata per la situazione.

Per consolidare il nostro impegno a prevenire gli illeciti e i comportamenti non etici e criminali, vogliamo assicurarci che tutti i nostri dipendenti, così come tutti i fornitori e i prestatori di servizi esterni, possano esercitare il loro diritto di fare segnalazioni protette per salvaguardare gli interessi dell'azienda.

Le persone che non sono in grado di segnalare potenziali comportamenti scorretti nell'ambito del normale processo di segnalazione (per timore di ritorsioni, pressioni da parte dei dirigenti, coinvolgimento dei manager, ecc.) possono ora esercitare il loro diritto di denuncia attraverso la piattaforma EQS.

La piattaforma EQS garantisce la riservatezza dell'informatore, degli incidenti segnalati e delle persone coinvolte. Le informazioni sono criptate e conservate in un ambiente separato e sicuro. I whistleblower possono utilizzare lo strumento per effettuare la segnalazione e utilizzare la finestra di dialogo protetta per discuterne con il funzionario incaricato di gestire la segnalazione. L'anonimato dell'informatore è protetto. L’informatore può anche scegliere di rimanere anonimo, e comunicare con la persona incaricata di gestire la segnalazione attraverso la "finestra di dialogo" protetta.

Connettiti al sistema da dove vuoi e quando vuoi.

For years, the KBC Group has officially defined its commitments to responsible behavior toward all its partners in its Code of Ethics. These principles include the possibility for our staff to exercise their right of whistleblowing, such as when reporting wrongdoing at the hierarchical level is ineffective or inappropriate for the situation.

To consolidate our commitment to preventing wrongdoing and unethical and criminal behavior, we want to ensure that all of our employees, as well as all suppliers and external service providers, can exercise their right to make protected reports to safeguard the company's interests.

Individuals who are unable to report potential misconduct as part of the normal reporting process (for fear of retaliation, pressure from management, manager involvement, etc.) can now exercise their right to report through the EQS platform.

The EQS platform guarantees the confidentiality of the whistleblower, the reported incidents, and the people involved. The information is encrypted and stored in a separate and secure environment. Whistleblowers can use the tool to make the report and use the secure dialog box to discuss it with the official in charge of handling the report. The whistleblower's anonymity is protected. The whistleblower can also choose to remain anonymous, and communicate with the person in charge of handling the report through the protected "dialog box."

Connect to the system from wherever you want and whenever you want.


Questa sezione fornisce i principali documenti informativi relativi ai prodotti e servizi bancari offerti da KBC Bank NV Italia, in ossequio alle disposizioni di Banca di Italia in tema di trasparenza delle operazioni e dei servizi bancari e finanziari. Questi documenti possono essere consultati e salvati; i medesimi documenti sono disponibili gratuitamente anche presso la sede Italiana della KBC Bank NV Italia.

This section provides the main information documents related to banking products and services offered by KBC Bank NV Italia in accordance with the transparency regulations of Bank of Italy related to the transparency of banking and financing operations and services.
These documents can be consulted and saved; they are also made available free of charge at the Italian branch of KBC Bank NV Italia.


In caso di controversia, il Cliente potrà presentare reclamo secondo le modalità indicate in questa sezione.

IIn case of a dispute, the Customer can fill in a complaint to KBC Bank NV Italia according to the instructions set forth in this section.

Informazioni sulla protezione dei depositi (Information on the protection of deposits)