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Now is the time to expand in the USA!

A successful vaccine rollout, $900 billion relief package + $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act and an additional injection for infrastructure, makes the perfect cocktail for an economic boom this year and following years!

Discover below why KBC believes it is a great time to expand in the world’s greatest economy and how KBC USA can contribute.

Swift rollout of vaccinations Massive fiscal support Infrastructure bill
  • A smooth rollout of vaccination efforts, with 46% of the population fully vaccinated and 54% of the population having received at least 1 dose (status on June 28, 2021). 
  • These results pave the way for a stronger rebound in economic activity. 
  • A $900 billion relief package and $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, is creating a V-shaped recovery.
  • The relief bills extended enhanced unemployment benefits, boosted incomes by making further payments to individuals, provided grants to small businesses, and extended aid to states and local governments.
  • Biden’s proposal for a large infrastructure bill is focused on long-term spending to support jobs growth, competitiveness, and of course infrastructure.
  • Such a bill would help to boost potential growth in the US in the longer run!

Money waiting to be spent!

The pandemic has led to unseen savings quotes. Excess savings is estimated at $2.179 trillion at Q1 2021 which will boost consumer spending (to services, catering, travel, ...) after the pandemic.

Think global, act local

Legal and financial challenges are part of an international expansion. Successful stories start with local expertise. Your company has the urge to grow, expand and globalize? We have the local support you deserve! 

KBC USA at your service

Personalized approach & tailor-made solutions

With a focus on European clients, we serve you in an efficient and client-centric way. Our integrated solutions are accessible worldwide. We have a dedicated customer service desk ready to support you at any time.

US Banking with a European mindset

With a US banking license and Western mindset at base, we speak your language and translate it into local banking solutions. In terms of onboarding, we can work very efficient thanks to our existing relationship in Europe.

Together, we go for more

From account opnening to trade finance, commercial finance and bank financing services, our solutions grow with your needs.

The KBC team in New York has supported us on a very short notice to issue a letter of credit. They have shown to be a very valuable banking partner to the group by acting swiftly on the internal approval and making sure the documentation was in place timely by closely following up with us and the beneficiary. Looking forward to our paths crossing again.

Jasper Bergen , Treasury, Corporate Finance

We are very happy with the service and opportunities KBC is providing. Especially that there are people which take care of your challenges, opportunities and threats. I would say the personal efforts of KBC customer service are definitely something I want to highlight here in a very positive way.

Lisa Russ , Treasury, Corporate Finance

Eager to learn more?

Don’t hesitate to get in contact with us. In the meantime, feel free to have a look at our KBC USA website.

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