What is malware?
The term malware (short for malicious software) is the collective name for any harmful or damaging software, often designed for criminal purposes. It disrupts and manipulates normal computer operation to steal information and facilitate fraud.
Malware can often surreptitiously install itself on your computer without you noticing, usually when you open an infected attachment to an e-mail or open a link to an infected website.
Criminals are increasingly turning to banking malware, computer viruses specifically written to dupe people banking online. Fraudulent payment orders are submitted or confidential information is stolen without you noticing.
Certain types of malware, known as ransomware, encrypt your files. Next, you’re asked to pay a ransom to have them released.
How can I protect myself against malware?
How can I protect my company against malware?
- Ensure that you have a well-protected IT infrastructure.
- Provide each device with antivirus software.
- Immediately carry out any security updates.
- Protect Wi-Fi with a password
- Regularly back up all of your files and save them on a separate device that is disconnected from the network.
- Make your employees aware of cybersecurity with the help of the free Cybersecurity KIT for businesses . It contains all the material you need (such as posters, presentations, sample -e-mails) to set up an awareness campaign in your company. The themes dealt with are:
- strong passwords
- phishing
- Social engineering
- Working safely from home
- Invest in a central support centre where colleagues can report suspicious e-mails and have any suspicious behaviour on their device checked.