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Receivables management and factoring

Looking for a solution for optimum cash flow? Find out all about receivables management and factoring.

Cash service

Withdrawing or depositing cash, arranging cash collection or delivery: it’s never been so quick and simple.

Payment Button

The KBC Payment Button lets your customers pay for their online purchase in just a few clicks or taps.

Documentary collection

Protect your international transactions by using documentary collection for imports and exports.

Payment terminals

  • Choose between fixed and portable terminals
  • Work over a Wi-Fi or 4G connection
  • Get a clear overview of your income

Avalised bill of exchange

Increase the chance of collecting your invoice payments? The avalised bill of exchange offers a great many benefits.

Import forfaiting

Deferred payment for the importer and certainty of payment for the exporter? Consider import forfaiting.

The payment page for your web shop

The KBC-Paypage lets customers decide how they want to pay for their online purchases from your web shop. It makes shopping an enjoyable experience and also offers benefits for you.

Cash pooling

Simplifying cash management

Sending, receiving and storing your invoices electronically

Safe, secure, easy and efficient with

KBC Invoicing Services

Switch to a (fully) automated invoicing process