Go&Deal FAQ

Training and frequently asked questions

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Go&Deal FAQ

Training and frequently asked questions

Easily execute transactions on foreign exchange markets? With the Go&Deal Pro digital app you can buy or sell foreign currencies in real time and at competitive prices. Go&Deal Pro is available five days a week from 7 am to 9.45 pm (on Friday until 8 pm).

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Check out the step-by-step guides to getting started. Or go through the full manual. (PDF)

A brief word of explanation - frequently occurring terms

If you log in to the dashboard using KBC Sign or Isabel security, you will be able to access Go&Deal Pro from any browser.

Problems related to launching the platform are often due to a pop-up blocker in your browser. If you use a pop-up blocker, it may be preventing the Go&Deal Pro screen from launching. Please turn off your pop-up blocker and try again. If the issue persists, please contact 24+ via ebc.desk@kbc.be

Your company is exposed to a foreign exchange risk if it is active in international markets and in different currencies. The value of a sum in a foreign currency changes as the result of exchange rate fluctuations. As a result, until the amount is converted into euros, you can’t be sure precisely how much you’ll receive or will have to pay.

Developments on the international financial and monetary markets therefore have a major impact on your business. You can cover that risk through hedging.

Cover foreign exchange risks by hedging.

In the case of spot or cash transactions, payments are settled two working days after the transaction is concluded. That means the value date is T+2. If settlement has to be sooner than T+2, such as the day of the transaction (T) or the next business day (T+1), the price has to be adjusted based on the interest rate spread. The latter depends on the term.

For most currency pairs, the value date and listing of the prices is T+2 as standard. In some cases, by contrast standard settlement occurs at T+1. This applies for US to Canadian dollars, for instance, and for euros to roubles.

Go&Deal Pro also allows you to trade cash transactions.

Our Corporate Sales desk is always available on + 32 2 417 28 09 for assistance.

An FX forward is a contract where the value date of the transactions is at least two business days (T+2) in the future. Other names for this are a ‘forward transaction’ or an ‘outright transaction’.

When you conclude a forward contract, the spot rate is applied based on the rate spread between the two currencies. The latter depends on the term. Is the interest rate in the counter currency higher than the interest rate in the base currency? If so, the basis points are added to the spot rate. This is referred to as report. In the opposite case, the basis points are subtracted from the spot rate, which is known as deport.

You can trade forward foreign exchange contracts with Go&Deal Pro.
Our Corporate Sales desk is always available on + 32 2 417 28 09 for assistance.

A swap transaction is a combination of a spot transaction and a reverse forward transaction. The parties concerned swap an amount in one currency for another currency and agree to reverse the transaction after a certain period.

Businesses use foreign currency swaps to manage their cash flows. Swaps can be useful in the following situations:
• Deferring payment of invoices requiring foreign currency purchases.
To do this, you can resell the foreign currency on the original contract date and buy it back on the new contract date.
• Using a positive euro balance to temporarily obtain US dollars that your business needs.
Rather than borrowing the amount in US dollars, the business buys dollars by selling euros today and converting the amount in dollars back into euros at a later date.

You can trade FX swaps with Go&Deal Pro.
Our Corporate Sales desk is always available on + 32 2 417 28 09 for assistance.

Foreign exchange options offer clients both the certainty of a guaranteed exchange rate (minimum or maximum) and the benefit of favourable exchange rate movements.

The purchaser of an FX option acquires the right to buy (call) or to sell an agreed amount in a particular currency (put). This occurs at a predetermined exchange rate on a specific date (the European type) or until a specific date (the American type).

If the buyer of the FX option wishes to exercise their right, the seller (or writer) of the FX option has to deliver or purchase the amount in the agreed currency and at the predetermined exchange rate.

The purchaser of the FX option pays the seller a premium in return for this right. This premium reflects factors such as the term of the option, the protection level (i.e. the rate at which the option can be exercised) and the amount of the exposure.

An FX option therefore offers a major advantage compared to a forward contract. You can take advantage of positive exchange rate movements and avoid negative ones.

The bid (less commonly: bid rate or bid price) is the rate at which a bank is prepared to buy securities, currencies or other tradable products from a counterparty seller.

The offer or ask price is the price at which a bank is prepared to sell securities, currencies or other tradable products to a counterparty buyer.

The bid-offer spread is the difference between the prices at which securities, currencies or other tradable products can be bought and sold. Depending on the market’s liquidity, this spread can be wider (low liquidity) or narrower (high liquidity).

The value date of a transaction is the date on which the transaction is settled.

LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier. Every legal entity on the financial market is required to apply for an LEI. This unique code boosts financial market transparency and risk management and enables KBC to meet its reporting obligations.

An LEI costs 89 euros plus VAT and is valid for one year. You can currently request an LEI in Belgium from the following providers:

More information

If you have further questions or need more info on Go&Deal Pro, contact your relationship manager.

Contact your relationship manager

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  • KBC Touch
  • KBC Mobile
  • KBC Business Dashboard, KBC-Online for Business of KBC Business
  • Isabel
    • Phone: +32 16 43 25 16 (mon-fri 08:00-17:00 GMT+1) 
    • E-mail: isabel@kbc.be

Need to fax something? +32 3 283 39 50

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