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Working together for sustainable growth

Come and talk to us

At KBC, we believe we can grow together towards a more sustainable world. We accept our social responsibility for future generations. As a bank-insurer, we don't just offer financial solutions, but also; walk alongside you on your journey; we will guide you, act as a sounding board and put you in touch with specialists.
Because pursuing sustainable growth is essential if we are to secure our economic prosperity. But sustainability is much more than that; it also offers opportunities and is an engine for innovation and renewal. It is a licence to operate for all of us, our social permit to continue doing business. Let's embrace these opportunities together.


Knowledge and experience: together we know more

Sharing knowledge and experience is always inspiring and shows what is possible. That’s why our customers like to talk about their experiences, their successes, but also about the challenges they face.
If you have a story of your own that you would like to share and which could inspire other entrepreneurs, be sure to let us know through your relationship manager.
What is KBC itself doing? Read all about it in our Sustainability Report and our Report to Society.

Partners in sustainability: together we will go further

KBC has selected some solid partners who will work with you to turn your company's sustainability challenges into actions and opportunities. The first step is to contact your relationship manager and scan the horizon.

Together with ecoWise, we support SMEs on their journey to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Together with Encon, we support companies and corporates on their journey to more sustainable business.

The sustainable KBC offer: together we do more

Your relationship manager will review with you the optimum financing solution to achieve and secure your sustainability goals. Green loans, sustainability advice, renovation projects, renewable energy projects, working capital, green bonds, sustainable mobility, insurance, etc.

Sustainability also means efficiency. So perform a quick simulation now in your Business Dashboard and arrange your green loan. If you have a larger project, a more complex issue, and/or would like to bounce ideas off a a sparring partner, your familiar relationship manager will rise to the challenge.
Sustainable business is also about future-proofing your business, preparing for future generational changes and leaving behind a more sustainable business. In other words, sustainability is a strategic exercise, for today, tomorrow and beyond.

Companies can no longer afford to saddle the next generation with the adverse impact of their activities. Society simply doesn’t tolerate that type of behaviour any longer. The transition to becoming a more sustainable business is not a casual choice, but rather a necessity.

Wim Eraly - Senior General Manager - KBC Commercial Banking

Why do business more sustainably?

Be inspired by other businesses

Sustainability is a good thing, including for your business

Sustainability is a good thing, including for your business

With thoughtful loans, KBC Commercial Banking encourages companies to make tmore sustainable investments

With thoughtful loans, KBC Commercial Banking encourages companies to make tmore sustainable investments

ecoWise: "Tomorrow’s successful companies will be those that put sustainability at the heart of their strategy."

ecoWise: "Tomorrow’s successful companies will be those that put sustainability at the heart of their strategy."

Webinar: mandatory ESG reporting (CSRD) and new legislation

Webinar: mandatory ESG reporting (CSRD) and new legislation
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