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Fixed remuneration

Onkosten versturen

Monthly salary

Depending on your responsibilities, your job is classified in one of the seven pay brackets. These are pay ranges whose median is compared with the market to ensure that your salary is truly competitive. To offer you full transparency, we also show you how your salary compares with the salaries of employees in similar positions at other banks or insurers.

There’s more

  • Every year, your salary automatically increases until it reaches 105% of the median.
  • Your manager may grant you an additional increase depending on your performance and expertise.

This way, we ensure that you progress to a salary exceeding the market average and that your performance is recognised. Your salary is also fully indexed – and not up to a specific ceiling – which is fairly unique in the financial sector.

Single and double holiday pay

Single holiday pay means that salary payments continue when you take leave. You also receive double holiday pay of 92% of your monthly salary every year. This amount is paid out in February already, instead of in the summer as is the case with most other companies.

Meal vouchers

Per day worked, you will receive a meal voucher of 8 euros. KBC pays the legally permissible amount of 6.91 euros, your own contribution being the minimum.

Eco vouchers

You receive eco vouchers every year.

Supplementary child benefit

If you receive child benefit, we have good news for you: KBC pays you a supplementary child benefit every year.

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