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Variable remuneration

If you really excel at your job or if your team reaches a goal you’ve set for yourselves, we believe this should be rewarded. Even if we post positive results or meet sustainability goals as a group, you’re rewarded for your contribution.

Non-recurrent results-linked bonus (NRRV)

We are fully committed to sustainability. If we reach our sustainability targets, you receive a ‘non-recurrent results-linked bonus’, a collective, tax-friendly bonus also known as a ‘CAO90 bonus’. And we reached our targets every year for the past few years!

Profit bonus (WP)

We are fully committed to sustainability. If we reach our sustainability targets, you receive a ‘non-recurrent results-linked bonus’, a collective, tax-friendly bonus also known as a ‘CAO90 bonus’. And we reached our targets every year for the past few years!

Exceptional variable pay (UVL)

If you performed exceptionally well, you may be eligible for exceptional variable pay. This bonus can be awarded at any time during the year!

Referral bonus

Our employees are our best ambassadors. If you introduce someone from your network to fill a vacancy, you receive a referral bonus.


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