Equities Service

All the factors for successfully investing in a selection of shares

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Equities Service

All the factors for successfully investing in a selection of shares

KBC Private Banking's equities service is ideal for anyone who invests in individual shares and wants to receive expert advice.

When you sign up to this service, you’ll receive proactive buy and sell suggestions in KBC Mobile and KBC Touch, which you can then approve right away. If you prefer, you can talk to your dedicated contact before taking a decision.

The equities service is based on the extensive and in-depth expertise of %bank%%'s analyst teams, which track 1,900 shares worldwide.

Discover the equities service and ‘sector favourites’ KBC Private Banking & Wealth

Interested in investing in individual shares but prefer someone else to do the groundwork for you? Want to bounce your views off a dedicated contact whose job is to keep a close eye on the financial markets? Like to keep up with the stock market but need a selection of shares to choose from?

KBC Private Banking 's equities service is a fully fledged service for investors in individual shares who want tailored advice. Unlike an online platform, you can count on receiving personal service from a private banker or investment expert who is able to properly assess your investment preferences and risk appetite. This gives you the scope to further refine your investment profile or – if necessary – receive additional insights before you act. We respond quickly and offer you our best picks, which you can decide upon in your own time.

Our proposals take account of your entire investment portfolio,thus ensuring you don’t take any unnecessary risks. The equities service uses the expertise of the analysts at KBC Securities (%%bankùù's brokerage firm), %%kbcam%%, the in-house fund manager, and the equity strategists at %%product.privatebanking%% . Their combined efforts result in the unique selection of ‘sector favourites’.

What are our sector favourites?

  • Our sector favourites are an actively managed selection of quality shares that exhibit short- and medium-term potential. Picked from a total of 1 900 shares, they are grouped by sector in terms of the best buys at that time.
  • The equity strategists actively manage the selection with the expert help of  KBC's analysts.
  • Our sector favourites enable us to respond to market opportunities and price volatility, with timing, regional distribution, sector distribution and themes being important factors in the approach adopted.
  • Whenever an adjustment is made to the selection, you’ll be informed why it was made and receive a proposal that’s in line with your portfolio.
  • You’re free to contact your dedicated contact with any questions or ideas you may have.

Rapid advice, tailored to your needs and easy to accept in KBC Mobile and KBC Touch

Whenever an adjustment is made to the sector favourites, we check to see if it’s interesting for your investment portfolio. If it is, we’ll quickly send you a fully detailed proposal in KBC Mobile or KBC Touch that takes account of a number of factors, including concentration risks in sectors, currencies and regions in your entire portfolio.

You can either accept the proposal right away and have the order executed automatically or discuss it first with your private banker or investment expert. This ensures you don’t miss any opportunities in the market.

Indicate your preferences

If you have personal preferences, be sure to discuss them with your private banker or investment expert. For example, you’re free to set the maximum percentage of shares in your portfolio or the average order amount.


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