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KBC Investor Race

What's the ultimate relationship test?

You've just started living together or are still living separately but want to take things to the next level. A joint account will show you right away if you're an ideal 'match' financially!

How to bank on your phone, tablet or PC

50 tips for saving energy

Whether you’re in the bathroom, living room or kitchen, you can save on your gas and electricity bills with these handy tips!

Support the victims of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey

Donate now using the payment button in KBC Mobile

Transactiekosten Turkije

Save time by asking Kate

Maak kans op een knallend verjaardagsfeest

For a chance to win a prize, your teenager needs to have a KBC Plus Account or young person’s account. This account is free up to 25 years of age.

Just fill in the entry form and keep your fingers crossed!

Maak kans op een knallend verjaardagsfeest

For a chance to win a prize, your teenager needs to have a KBC Plus Account or young person’s account. This account is free up to 25 years of age.

Just fill in the entry form and keep your fingers crossed!

Kate Kickoff

KBC Mobile ouders

Start saving or investing with Bumba

Save or invest for your little one and get a free baby-soft Bumba bath cape as a giftt!

Gift with your free youth account

Open a free KBC young person's account and get a handy power bank as a gift

Get a free power bank for your teenager

Try your luck at winning a 12th birthday party

All kids grow up ... and yours is turning 12 soon. Want to give the party animal a surprise? Well, try your luck at winning them an unforgettable birthday party! 

Questions? KBC Live is there for you with fast answers.
Weekdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.  Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.