Involved in a dispute, injuries or received a writ of summons?

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Involved in a dispute, injuries or received a writ of summons?

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions on claims handling. This information under no circumstances replaces the policy conditions. Naturally, this summary cannot cover every possible scenario. If you have more specific questions, please contact your KBC Insurance agent.

Been in a contested accident, injured or summonsed to appear in court?

Watch our short film clip about the legal assistance claims process (Defendo)

Any questions?

1. The circumstances of the accident are subject to dispute

Your complaint and the consequences of your claim

Who do I make a claim to?

You can always contact your KBC Insurance agent in order to make your claim. They will go through the initial steps of the claims process with you. 

If you are unable to contact your agent straight away, get in touch with our call centre on +32 (0) 16 24 24 24 (service available 24/7). 

If your vehicle can no longer be driven after an accident, you should contact our call centre immediately. They will have your vehicle towed away as soon possible and may also offer additional assistance if you have opted for this in your contract.

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What documents does your legal assistance insurer need?

In order for us to provide you with optimum assistance, please provide us with the following documents

  • The completed declaration form
  • In the case of damage to clothing or to goods in transit: the proof of purchase for the damaged goods, or the date of purchase and price (and retain the damaged items for possible assessment)
  • Any documents proving the damage

The loss assessment and expert's appraisal

How is the expert's appraisal carried out? Do I need to be present? Who chooses the expert? Do I need a quote?

If neither your mandatory liability insurer nor your comprehensive insurer provide an expert then you will need to provide us with a quote. We will then send this quote to the other party's insurance company. This information will help the other insurer decide whether to appoint an automotive expert. 

You do not need to be present during the expert's appraisal, but you may attend if you so wish. 

Our level of service

How quickly will I be compensated for legal assistance?

We will do everything possible to get your claim settled quickly, but this depends on the cooperation we receive from the other party's insurance company.

Do I get a lawyer right away?

As your legal assistance insurer, we will first negotiate with the other party and try to find a solution you are happy with. If this works, it is generally the best solution as court proceedings can take a long time. However, if court proceedings are necessary then we won't hesitate to do everything necessary to defend your interests.

What does Defendo (the legal assistance department of KBC) pay? 

We pay all the costs required to ensure that the other party compensates your damage, such as fees for lawyers, the doctor in attendance, the expert or the bailiff, legal costs etc. We will pay such costs up to a maximum 100,000 euros. 

What doesn't Defendo pay? 

We do not pay any compensation for damage - neither to you nor to the other party. However, we do provide you with expert advice and legal assistance. We don't pay fines, out-of-court settlements or compulsory contributions to the fund that provides aid to victims of intentional acts of violence. 

2. You have been injured

Your complaint and the consequences of your claim

I have been injured. What now? What documents do I need to provide? 

First and foremost, you should consult a doctor. If you haven't been to an accident and emergency department at a hospital then it's advisable to visit your general practitioner. Keep any medical certificates and bills and make a list of all your expenses. 

If your injuries were caused by another person then we will help you obtain the compensation you are entitled to. 

You provide us with

  • A medical certificate completed by your doctor (which you should send to the consulting physician at KBC Insurance)
  • A copy of any doctor's bills and pharmacy receipts, as well as a list of all your expenses
  • Your health insurance fund statement 

This information is required by the other party's insurance company. They can use it to appoint a doctor or pay an advance.

The loss assessment and expert's appraisal

The other party's doctor has called me in for a medical. What now? 

The other party's insurance company is entitled to appoint a doctor to examine you. That doctor will then contact you to arrange a medical examination and draw up a report. Based on this report, we will then ask the other party for an advance payment. 

The other party's insurance company may call you in several times to get a clearer idea of the state of your health. We will follow that up and, if necessary, make sure a doctor of your choosing is there to assist you.  Have you received an invitation to visit a consulting physician? This leaflet informs you of the role of the consulting physician in the insurance sector. 

Our level of service

How quickly will I be compensated? 

We will do everything possible to get your claim settled quickly, but this depends on the cooperation we receive from the other party's insurance company.  

Do I get a lawyer right away? 

As your legal assistance insurer, we will first negotiate with the other party and try to find a solution you are happy with. If this works, it is generally the best solution as court proceedings can take a long time. However, if court proceedings are necessary then we won't hesitate to do everything necessary to defend your interests. 

What does Defendo (the legal assistance department of KBC) pay? 

We pay all the costs required to ensure that the other party compensates your damage, such as fees for lawyers, the doctor in attendance, the expert or the bailiff, legal costs etc. We will pay such costs up to a maximum 100,000 euros.

What doesn't Defendo pay? 

We do not pay any compensation for damage - neither to you nor to the other party. However, we do provide you with expert advice and legal assistance. We don't pay fines, out-of-court settlements or compulsory contributions to the fund that provides aid to victims of intentional acts of violence. 

3. You have received a summons

Your complaint and the consequences of your claim

If you have you been summoned to appear before a magistrate's court then you should provide us with

  • A copy of the writ of summons
  • The name and address of your lawyer, if you already know which lawyer you want
  • A copy of the establishment of violation You will receive these items by post shortly after the violation takes place

Our intermediation

What can you expect from us if you receive a summons for a traffic offence? 

You can choose a lawyer yourself, and we will work with them. Your lawyer will defend you and let you know whether you need to be present in court. They will keep you informed of the further development of the case.

What does Defendo (the legal assistance department of KBC) pay? 

We pay all the costs required to ensure that the other party compensates your damage, such as fees for lawyers, the doctor in attendance, the expert or the bailiff, legal costs etc. We will pay such costs up to a maximum 100,000 euros. 

What doesn't Defendo pay? 

We do not pay any compensation for damage - neither to you nor to the other party. However, we do provide you with expert advice and legal assistance. We don't pay fines, out-of-court settlements or compulsory contributions to the fund that provides aid to victims of intentional acts of violence. 

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