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Finding and applying for jobs... How to go about it. Some of KBC's tips.

Finding your first job or switching jobs ... there's a lot to consider. To get you started, we're happy to list a few job application tips for you.

Our job application tips

KBC's Talent Acquisition Advisers know the tricks of the trade. And they are happy to share their tips with you!

Use social media when applying for a job

Social media can play a major role in your career. They don't just help you find vacancies.They are also your online business card. How can you use social media most effectively in your search for a job? We've listed a few tips for you.

Our job application and onboarding processes

Not every job is the same, and the same goes for job applicants. That's why we don't have a standard job application process or step-by-step instructions. However, we can tell you which steps are involved between your job application and a possible contract proposal.

Meet our recruiters

Meet our recruiters online. They’re your contact throughout your job application with us.