Using you phone to make real-time money transfers to KBC bank accounts is easy with our KBC Mobile app!
Making payments
Getting paid
Making payments with MobilePay
Pay contactless
Bills in paper form
Use our KBC Mobile app to pay bills by scanning payment transfer forms with your phone’s camera. The amount, account number, name of the beneficiary and standard-format reference are automatically copied.
Digital bills
Receive digital bills by e-mail or through Doccle? Our app automatically fills in the correct amount, account number and reference number for you.

Know someone getting married or celebrating their birthday?
Surprise them with a personalised transfer.
Turn your transfers into gift cards with a personal photo or message. That includes transfers to people who don’t bank with us.
Surprise someone today with a glitzy gift-wrapped transfer.
If you select ‘Buy now and pay later’, we’ll advance the purchase amount in your account and the seller will be paid immediately.
The amount will then be debited automatically from your account within two months. You can do this for amounts of between 50 and 1.250 euros.Deferred payment is not available to minors or individuals who hold power of attorney.
Tip: If you defer your payment, make sure there’s enough money on your account on your selected date. That way, you avoid going overdrawn and having to pay interest until your account is back in credit.
For some accounts, transfers have to be signed by several people. This is arranged by granting everyone a special power of attorney over the account in question.
How it works:
- The first person creates the transfer and signs it.
- All the other persons who have to sign receive a notification telling them they have 14 days to do so.
The transfer can be seen under ‘Payments to be signed’ in the account’s details. - Everybody signs the transfer in KBC Mobile or KBC Touch.
- The money is transferred as soon as everyone has signed.